O' Romeo

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Taemin's POV:

By 2pm, I found myself at the mall with Aurora. We stopped at several different places, including the toy store.

I thought she was going to want dolls or something like that. Nope, not my baby. Her little eyes caught sight of a giant castle tent and she just had to have it. I couldn't say no. It was hands down the brightest hot-pink I had ever seen. With purple flags on top and cotton candy color swirls everywhere, it literally looked like a unicorn threw up and then came back and pissed on it.  I just knew that Key was gonna love this huge unsightly eyesore.

The box was huge and there was no way I could carry that thing around the mall. So, we made a quick trip back to the car and I put it in the trunk. Good thing I had an SUV.

Once we were back inside the mall, I took her to get some ice cream. Well, it was more for me than her, if I was being completely honest. I deserved a treat after lugging that heavy ass 5ft box all the way to the parking lot to put it in my trunk. Hell, yeah I earned me some ice cream. Also, I was curious to learn more about my daughter without actually having to ask her directly. I could tell it was starting to get on her nerve.

"Okay, princess. What flavor would you like?" I asked innocently. She looked at all the different kinds then shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't decide.

"Okay, how about you just pick your favorite?" I suggested, hoping it would make it an easier choice. Did she even have a favorite flavor? I couldn't remember if I had or hadn't asked her that this morning.

"Whalnut." She chose.

Shocked by her choice, I asked. "Is that your favorite?" Most children her age like cookies and cream, chocolate chip, or even just chocolate. Yet, she liked walnut. 

Genetics are fucking amazing!

"That's my favorite flavor too." I beamed. "How about we share, okay?" I didn't want to be the dad that ordered himself a triple scoop waffle cone. While only getting my kid a single kid scoop on one of those sad little regular cones. So, I got us the triple scoop to share and we ate every bite.

We took our time walking around the mall after ice cream. Well, that was, until we came across the Gucci store.

"Daddy wet's go!" Aurora cheered enthusiastically. Pulling me towards the store.

'What the hell?'

Curiosity got the better of me and I questioned. "Aurora, you know what Gucci is?"

Nodding her little head, she laughed at me. LAUGHED at ME.

"Daddy, it wat pwicess's whear." She explained like it was something I should've known. My two year old explained it to me like she was talking to a baby. All I could do was nod my head. I had a good idea who taught her that shit.

Not really surprised. We're talking about the same guy that uses coach purses as paint canvases.

"Let me guess, Uncle Key told you that?" I stated as we walked into the store. At her nod, I scoffed.

'I knew it.'

It seemed like I needed to have a talk with my hyung, about some of the things he's been teaching my kid.

What kind of a two year old knows what Gucci is, anyway?

I was actually fine with going inside the store, I wanted to get a belt and some slides I'd saw anyway.

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