There Can Only Be One

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Kikah's POV:

Quietly, I entered the meeting room. Watching as this time no one sneered or scoffed at my presence. Walking to the front of the room I stood next to Evaine' and Irene, waiting patiently as the last employee entered the room and took a seat.

Clearing my throat, I began. "I called this emergency meeting today because it has come to my attention that someone is suing the company." Shocked grasps spread like wildfire around the room. Even Irene's usually cool facade faltered a bit under the news. Quickly, her eyes met mine and I gave her a quick nod. Eyes glinting dangerously, she schooled her features to once again reflect a calmness neither of us felt.

Taking a deep breath, I continued. "They are claiming that one of our conditioners has caused their hair to fall out and are suing us for 3 million, in both pain and suffering and damages. I know for a fact that our products contain no harmful ingredients that would cause such damages. However, I would like all clinical trials and test results for aforementioned item. Until this matter is resolved and we get to the bottom of what is happening, no one is permitted to talk to anyone about this matter. To do so will be consider an act against the company and I will take that as your way of stating you no longer wish to be employed here." At that last statement, I eyed each employee down, watching as some shivered and others shook their heads.

In the last few months, after weeding out all the problematic people, I have gained loyal employees who greatly respect both the company and myself. They were honorable men and women and had become an asset to my companies' growth.

I decided to wrap up my speech. I needed to speak with Irene alone.

Confidently, I finished. "Together, I know we will get to the bottom of this situation and restore our reputation. I want to thank each of you for clearing whatever schedules you may have had to attend this briefing. As we learn more of this situation and just who the person is that has filed against us, I will personally be sending around a router keeping everyone of you informed on this matter. Please take an extra hour today for your lunch. If you need to meditate or require counseling due to the stress of this situation, please inform your manager so that you can be reimbursed for the cost or provided with the necessary paperwork to fill out so that you can obtain paid leave. Thank you for your patience in light of this unfortunate circumstance." Bowing to everyone, I made my way out of the door. Flanked by Evaine' and Irene, we quickly walked back to my office.

Once we were inside and the office door had closed, Irene let loose.

"I bet it was that gutter hoe NaEun!" She shouted angerly. "Too many things add up for it not to be her. When I caught her at Taemin's house I snatched that bitch damn near bald! All except for a small patch in the middle of her head."

Taking the folder from my hand she searched for what she was looking for. Once she found it, she slammed it on my desk.

"How is it that this person has the same exact patch?" she asked. I looked at the photo and though the face had been blurred, what Irene said was true. All the hair was gone except that small patch in the middle. Shaking my head, I asked. "Irene, how would she even know this was my company. I know Taemin or any of you wouldn't ever tell her, so how did she find out? And why come after me now?"

Sighing, Irene met my stare. "Kikah" she began slowly. "You don't find it funny that not even two days after Forbes released the top 25 under 25, that your being sued?" She countered. "All she had to do was read that article and she would know. Don't forget your pictures in it too." She gently reminded me.

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