The Hawks are behind this? Wait, there shouldn't be any Hawks! My dad destroyed their clan, didn't he? Why the hell did that man have that tattoo? And why did they kidnap me?

I could hear the sound of gunshots resounding behind me, I took cover in another hallway, taking my chance to kill anyone that I could... I needed to find a way out of this place.

After so many shootings and bullet holes to the wall, I freaking ran out of bullets... Great.

The men might have noticed that my bullets screwed me over because I heard them making their way slowly to my corner.


I walked out of my hiding place with my hands in the air.

"Fine... You all win..." I breathe out, counting them... They were just four of them left. "I take it back, you all can't win... Why don't we do this fair and square, drop your guns and come at me... Like real men."

They all looked at each other.

They also had that same tattoo on their wrist, okay, they are truly still in existence... This is not good.

"Come on guys, you can do it... I know you can't kill me, there's got to be a reason why you guys are stalling... And trust me, we could do this all day, me standing right here and you guys standing over there watching and waiting for nothing... Drop your weapons and let's sort this out with- you know, punches, kicks, and blows."

They looked to be considering my offer, actually, I took note of the comms in their ears... When they started to drop their guns I was pretty sure they were communicating with someone.

"OK, let's get this over with."

They came at me at the same time but I was quick to dive past them, grabbing the lanky one by his hair and hitting his head on the white wall... After a few minutes of punching, blowing, and groans... I was down to the last guy, punching the daylight out of his already bloody face... I had taken a few blows too, and I was pretty sure I had some blood on my face, but it was nothing compared to the last guy...

When I had them all down, I went to pick up one of their guns on the ground...

I staggered to my feet, breathing heavily... "I know I said- we should drop the guns- but trust me when I say, I'm not always a man of my word."

I shot the first guy, then the second, then the third, and then the face-damaged fourth...

Dropping the gun to the ground, I exhaled heavily.

   Suddenly, I heard the sound of claps behind me. "I have to say, you still have it in you."

I froze.

It can't be...

Turning slowly to the sound of the familiar voice, my suspicions were confirmed when I scanned him from head to toe, then back to head again...



Aubrey's pov

   "This is bullshit! Full and utter bullshit!" I slammed my hand on the doctor's table, shocking both Alice and the doctor himself.

"Aubrey calms down," Alice said.

I turned to face her, already feeling uncomfortable in my chair.

"Calm down?! Are you fucking kidding me? My husband is dead and I can't even see or bury his body, because of some foolish contract I know nothing about..."

Alice looked really sad too.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bresfort, the papers are right in Infront of you, it is said there that his family would have no rights to his body once he is dead." The doctor said.

I was really pissed right now.

After hearing the life-wrecking news about Tyler's death, I wanted to see him... But they wouldn't let me, they told me that his body was already taken away and that before he died, he specifically signed that his body should not be given to his family, nor should they see him...

Does that even make sense?

"How do you freaking expect me to believe that my husband is even dead if you don't let me see his body?!" I said, more like yelled.

"Trust me Mrs. Bresfort, he is Dead...  I personally called his time of death."

"Fine- where has his body been taken to?"

The doctor sighed. "It is said in the contract that I shouldn't disclose that info-"

"That is nonsense!" I yelled, standing up from my chair... "I will sue this hospital to the ground if you don't let me see my husband! I'm giving you a day Doctor! I'm giving you a day to bring my husband's body back to me... If you don't comply, I'll make sure to bring this hospital to the ground. Do you hear me?! A day!" I barged out of the office and walked down the hallway.

Alice finally caught up with me. "Aubrey... You need to relax-"

"I can't relax, Alice." I stopped walking and turned to face her... "They won't let me see my husband... How am I sure Tyler is even dead if I don't see his body?! You don't know how this feels! You have no idea!"

"I do have an idea, Aubrey... I didn't see Alfonso's body too." Alice said, making me pause to listen to the new information I was getting. "I never saw his body, not even once- I buried an empty coffin... I don't know why they would do such a thing to their families... It doesn't make sense but- we have to take it the way we see it."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Aren't you a little bit suspicious of all this? How can they not allow us to even- I can't even comprehend all of this Alicia? Something is not right here."

Alice held my shoulder. "Aubrey, Tyler's dead, we have to start planning-"

"I'll do no such thing!  I'm not going to plan his funeral... I'm not having a funeral without a body! I will do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this... I'm sorry, I can't be as soft as you are, I won't just brush this off as nothing happened... I must find his body, dead or alive... Till then, there will be no funeral."

I walked out, leaving Alice standing in the middle of the hall.

As far as I'm concerned, Tyler isn't dead, until I see a body.

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