I rolled my eyes..  "I never left."

"Oh, we both know you did... I asked you a question... Do you like-"

"Yes... I  like her- a lot, more than a lot."

Davy raised his brows. "You sent her to jail-"

"That was a Mistake, and I was going to get her out anyway." I rushed out, not even listening to myself.

   "I never thought this day would come, a day when Tyler Bresfort would admit to liking any girl... She's not even your type." Davy said.

"Well, I guess all the girls I fucked weren't my type- Aubrey's different, there's a special glow to her... I don't know, I just like her a lot... I can do anything to make her happy, even if that involves turning this whole world upside down... I'd do it."

  "Will you also give up this Mafia lifestyle for her? Even if you couldn't do it for me?"

I paused a bit.

Would I really be willing to do that for Aubrey? Would I be ready to give up the Bresfort name for Aubrey? I don't think I can give an answer to that question...

   Being a Mafia was also part of my life, Max was still too young to take over any responsibility? Right?

Oh, what am I thinking? I was brought into this shit when I was his age, and I also know of a Mafia Queen who is about twelve years, Malia Frenzo... That little girl was vicious.

"Let's Change the topic... Is there any information about the video were your guys able to trace it back to Alessandro?"

  "Nope," he said, popping the 'p' "it was heavily encrypted." He said.

"How about we get it to Max? He might be able to break it."

Davy gave me a look. "I'm not going to pull a kid into this mess."

"I was pulled into this mess when I was a kid- Max is no different, that kid is ready to do anything for his family... I know that for sure."

  "Nothing you say is gonna make me change my mind," Davy said...

     Suddenly, the door to my study flew open, making me turn my head to the door, my eyes widened when I took sight of a puffy-eyed Jullie, breathing like she had just won a marathon race.

"Jullie?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice as Davy and I exchanged looks, he was also shocked at what he was seeing.

Immediately, I went to engulf her in a bone-crushing hug.

"T-Tyler..." Her voice came out cracked and shaky as I released her from the hug

"How? How did you escape?" I had to ask... "Are you hurt? Anywhere?"

"Aubrey- "

"What? What happened to Aubrey?"

Davy held my left shoulder and took Jullie out of my arms. "Jullie, do you need water?" He asked her.

  Jullie gave a weak nod. Davy poured water Into a glass for her, and Jullie drank it all up by taking time to breathe.

When she finished, she looked me dead in the eye. "You have to help her..." She let out with a harsh breath.

  I shut my eyes and clenched my jaw, already knowing what happened. I knew this would happen... Drexel, that bastard!

"Tell us what happened?" Davy asked her.

"She saved me, Alessandro knew she was coming. We couldn't escape in time, so she gave me her keys and told me to run- she couldn't escape, I think Alessandro has her now- you have to help her." Jullie said.

    Why Aubrey? Why do like making me worry so much?! I was devastated, confused, and fucking angry.

"Richie!!!" I yelled immediately, shocking both Jullie and Davy...

  Fuck that damn police investigation, fuck courtesy, fuck this stupid pain in my stomach, fuck the authorities! I'm not gonna stand here and watch Alessandro have his way! Fuck that damn parcel! I don't give two fucks about who has it! I'll do anything to get Aubrey to safety... Anything.

Soon after; Richie came rushing in. "Yes boss."

"Gather some men, grab the parcel- we're going to get Aubrey back, Today."

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