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Jimin breathed out. The day has come; he could finally work at the psychiatry where his dad once worked years ago.

It was a huge building. Dark and scaring, but still had a very professional style.

In his medicine university, Jimin found new friends.

Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung.
Both of them finished their semesters and were working at a hospital near the Seoul city.

Jimin was proud of them and also he was proud of himself.
He promised his father that he would continue his father's job and never fail at it or never disappoint his mother. Looked like he kept his promise.

Everything was going smoothly as he walked across the street and then he opened the heavy door to the place with many many ill people.

"Park Jimin?" A woman called out.

"Yes, that's me."

The woman was carrying a bag with her and she was dressed casually. Looked like they had their own uniforms.

Green sweatpants with a light green blouse.

She smiled at him and showed him the way to their office.

"We have some rules here.." The shorter one began.

"First of all, we wear a work uniform. Those are in here-" She headed him a light box and continued, "..second, everyone here is doing their own business. You should concentrate on your own. Don't interrupt others with their patient. Here you have your schedules and the name of your patients will be on there. You just have to take them out of their room or.. if they're firmly bounded... stay in their room."

Woah, what the fuck?

That was too much for Jimin to gulp on his first day.
But it was what he expected.

In psychiatry, it's always quiet and the only thing you could hear is how some patients scream if they get their medicine, which they absolutely dislike.

Jimin nodded understandingly.

"Oh! If you have Jeon as a patient, his room is the only one on the last floor. If you got him, I already feel sorry for you. Jeon likes to play with beginners, so please take care and don't let him intimidate you."

I swear I once heard this name somewhere...

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