1. NEWT Years

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Godric's Hollow was a quiet place to live. Half Muggle, half wizarding community. A pretty average place for your average old person to averagely live the rest of their average life. Until the first of September every year when the village is full of bustling houses and calls of something along the lines of:

"James, for Merlin's sake, get a grip of yourself. Girls aren't exactly going to fall all over you on your first day back." Lyra muttered, at James attempting to flatten his messy black hair and she raised an eyebrow skeptically from the door frame connecting the hallway to the kitchen area.

"Or at any other part of the year." Persephone added, exiting her room to the left of him and walking past him looking in the mirror before doing a double take and looking at her own hair behind him.

"They're both as vain as each other." William called from the living room, flicking over to the next page of the Daily Prophet and wrinkling his mustached nose in an attempt to itch it.

"James, move over! You aren't the only one who wants to look nice." Persie said, shoving him slightly with her elbow.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you've been in touch with NO ONE over the summer." He retorted, shoving her back so he took up the whole mirror.

"Actually, you are wrong there, big brother." She smirked, picking up his toast off of the side and eating it.

"One, that is my toast! Two, who would be sending letters to you?" He scoffed, giving up on his hair and taking the other piece of toast from underneath her.

"Oh, no one important, don't worry about it, bro!" Persephone replied flippantly, before jumping down from the stool and scooping up her kitten, Blaze. She was leaving him here over the year, as her parents said it would be a lot more useful for her to take her owl so she wouldn't have to keep borrowing James' like last year. Right on cue, Zorro hooted and rattled around his cage, signifying he wanted to get going already and see his new home.

"Hey, did you know Justin Adams is single now?" Persie said, waggling her eyebrows and changing the subject to avoid any more awkwardness.

"Oh god not you as well." James muttered, putting his head in his hand and shaking his head.

"What?" She asked, putting her free hand on her hip and arching an eyebrow.

"I swear every, single girl in our year is obsessed with that ... kid!" He sighed, jumping off his own chair before being hurried out of the door by their mother.

"Are you joking, he's like a god?!" Persie answered, sliding into the back seat of the ministry car that had been pulled up outside for the best part of an hour and pushing James over to the other side.

"Who's this?" Lyra questioned, turning her head around from the passenger seat in the front. William had learned how to drive a Muggle car for his job at the ministry, albeit very badly.

"Someone who everyone in our year adores, including Persie." James replied, shaking his head a little at her apple red face.

"Oh yeah, is he your boyfriend or something?" William interjected gruffly, turning the next corner a little too hard so Persie and Lyra had to grip on the door for support.

"William, please do take care when you're driving! Persie almost went out of the window." Lyra sighed, laying a hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry. Just I don't think she's sensible enough to be dating people yet." He growled, pulling into the parking space just outside of Kings Cross.

"Please Dad, I'm sixteen. I can look after myself. And, just for the record, he is not my boyfriend!" Persie groaned, slamming her car door and getting all of her stuff out of the boot and putting it on to a trolley, before strolling off ahead of everyone else to the platform.

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