Lonely In The Jungle

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"I don't kno-"

"You can trust me"

"Alright, I will take a risk. We both know you cant pull anything funny after what happened, Phil"

"You wont regret it, sir"


Phil's POV:

Great, I am in control. Pan is such an idiot. Who might I control first? Hmmmm..."RONNIE" I yelled as loud as I could. He immediately paced towards me. "Yes, Phil?"

"It's sir for you, Pan placed me in control throughout today"

"Oh, what can I do for you? Sir"

"Make me breakfast"

"But I-"

"Are you questioning my orders? Pan will be upset when he finds out-"

"Don't tell him please, I will go make you breakfast" Ronnie said as he turned around and paced away.

Man it feels incredible to be Incharge. No big surprise Pan loves his life. Now let's see...who is next...Felix? Clara? Clara.

I walked up to where she was and I found her still tied up.

"Guess who's still tied up" I joked.

"What is your issue?" She spat.

"You are"

"Where's Felix?" She asked angry.

"Oh god you haven't heard?" I asked, "Felix is being punished as well; he has been hung up for days now"

"I am aware"

"Good, you both deserve the pain"


Pan's POV:

I chose to go and give Clara a visit. I was walking to where she was and when I arrived, she wasn't there.

I started running around to find her. I would go to all the spots I sensed Clara in yet she isn't in any, and the thing is I sensed her in more than one spot in the meantime.

"CLARAA" I shouted. No reply.

I ran and ran and I found her standing by the shoreline. "How could you have been able to you get out?" I asked her and she took a look at me with tears in her eyes. "Clara, what's wrong?"

"What do you think?"


"I am a prisoner, who would need that?"

"Clara I am so sorr-"

"It's too late"

Oh god, that sentence once more, it's too late

"What do you me-" and all of a sudden my shadow came out of nowhere and snatched Clara's hand. "What are you doing?" I said with no reply as an exchange. The shadow flew several feet up pulling Clara. "Clara, what are you doing?" I asked terrified.

"I need to go, I must be free" she said. The shadow flew higher with Clara and eventually flew to oblivion.

"No Clara! NOOOO"

I tried flying but my magic wasn't working.


all of a sudden the grass and blooms started dying and trees started falling. The ground began shaking and my heart started aching making me tumble to the ground.


I immediately fell of the bed as this nightmare took me by surprise. another nightmare, great. alright Pan quiet yourself down, simply a bad dream.

ForeverLand: Season 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt