The Lost Diadem

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"Very good!"McGonagall praises when Seamus reports to her."Now be ready to attack."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Accio Thunderbolt!"I say, and my broomstick flies into my hands. I mount it, and fly towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were running wildly.

"Hey!"I yell,"Where y'all going?"

"Room of Requirement!"Hermione pants."Lost Diadem's in there!" The four of us walk into the room, and start looking. Harry tries using Accio, but it doesn't work, granted that the diadem is a bloody Horcrux.

"We'll split up,"Ron suggests."Me and Hermione, you and Harry."

"I can feel it,"Harry says."It's here! I just dunno-"

"Potter,"says a voice. We whip around to see Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Oh, just bloody great!"I say sarcastically.

"Hey, it's the Mudblood!"Crabbe yells,"Avada Kedavra!" Hermione dodges.

"No, Crabbe, stop!"Malfoy screams."We want Potter alive, the Dark Lord does! And don't destroy the diadem!"

"We don't take orders from you no longer, Draco!"Goyle snaps.

Suddenly, Crabbe's wand starts spurting out fire. Lots. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I run as fast as possible.

"It's a Fiendfyre!"Hermione shouts."The Carrows must've taught him!"

"Well too bad he didn't listen close enough to know when to stop it!"Ron replies.

"The broomsticks!"Harry says."There!"

"Accio Thunderbolt!"I say, and my beloved broomstick flies straight into my hand. We mount them, and fly up.

"Help!"Malfoy screams, he and Goyle on the summit of a bunch of random boxes.

"We've got to help them!"Harry bellows.

"We can barely see, Harry!"Hermione says, water flying out from her wand, dousing the weak flames.

"Aguamenti!"I cry, water shooting out from mine.

Harry picks up Malfoy and puts him onto his broom, and Ron gets Goyle. We fly, Hermione leading, Harry and Ron in the middle, me bringing up the rear.

"Harry! What are you doing?!"I shriek, as he dips down and into the fire, Malfoy yelling out in fear.

"Horcrux!"he yells back. He shows a tiara, and I realize it is truly Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem. Beautiful royal blue jewels, simplicity yet vicinity.

"Drop it in the fire, Harry!"Ron bellows. We fly out safely, and Harry releases the Horcrux the last minute.

War was raging outside, and I realize that this is what war really is.


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