Another Getaway

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Today I patrolled the halls again during another meeting of Dumbledore's Army.

I hear quick footsteps coming near, and hide myself against a pillar, my back pressing the cold stone. I hear a familiar high pitched tune and see a quick wave of blonde hair. Luna.

"Luna!"I say.

"Hello, Margaret!"

"I'm patrolling again. You should hurry inside."

"Good idea,"she says, and skips into the Room of Requirement.

I walk around the hallway, and bump into Umbridge.

"Miss Yang,"she addresses me coldly,"Why are you not at Astronomy?"

I hand her a fake pass explaining that I could skip Astronomy today.

"This isn't Professor Sinistra's handwriting,"Umbridge says softly."I want you to tell me what you're hiding."

"Hiding?"I ask, keeping my face expressionless,"I don't know what you're talking about, Professor."

"But you do!"she says."Miss Edgecombe, you can come out now." Marietta appears with the Inquisitorial Squad. She has her face covered, and I see that there is a word SNEAK on her forehead. So that's what Hermione's jinx did. I grin.

"Expelliarmus!"Malfoy yells. I dodge the spell, and it hits a chandelier above me, and glass rains down on them. I call,"You should really wok on your aim, Malfoy!"

"Get her!"Umbridge commands, and I feel gratified seeing that there are cuts on her face.

I do the same thing I did yesterday, making them run after me.

"Looking for someone?"I ask Crabbe and Goyle, who were running the opposite way as I was. I laugh, and Disapparate to the Room of Requirement.

"Umbridge is coming!"Dobby was squeaking, and Harry orders everyone out.

"I kind of stopped them,"I inform Harry, as we rush out of the room. He nods a thanks as someone yells,"Petrificus Totalus!"

Hermione says,"Protego!" We keep running, and Ron waves his wand to clear our way. Hermione, Ron, and Harry turn to get inside the Gryffindor Tower, and I head toward the Ravenclaw Tower.

"GET IN GET IN!"Padma pulls me into the common room and shuts the entrance behind her.

"We're safe,"I say, breathing heavily.

"Everyone!"Darius instructs,"Act normal! Take out a book or finish some work or talk!"

Padma, Luna, and I take out our Charms schoolwork, and help each other on it.


The next day, Cho, Elizabeth, Catherine, and I walk together to the Great Hall. We bump into Harry. He turns red.

"I don't know why everyone's so mean to Marietta,"Cho remarks,"She was being intimidated by the Ministry!"

"Well,"Harry points out,"So was Margaret, Seamus, Ron, half the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were, and they didn't rat us out!"

"He has a point,"I say.

"Not you too, Margaret!"Cho cries, and I join Harry, who was storming off.

"Girls are so confusing!"he yells, and I pat him affectionately on the back.

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