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The next morning, we have dance practice again.

My partner is Fred, at least I think he's Fred, not George, and he towers over me.

"Yeah,"he says,"I'm Fred. And you're very short, Marmar."

"And you're very tall, Fred,"I reply evenly."You make me feel like a bloody first year."

"You're growth spurt'll come,"he promises."Anyhow, word's been going out you fancy Darius."

"What?!"I say loudly."Who the devil told you?" Fred twirls me, and we get a compliment from McGonagall.

"The world's biggest git Marilize,"he says simply.

"I'm going to hex her,"I declare,"So how many people did she tell?"

"Like a lot,"George says.

"We could do something about her,"Fred suggests, with a hint of a grin.

"Like what?"I ask, eager.

"Feed her some Puking Pastilles,"Fred says.

"Or a Nosebleed Nougat,"George adds."We've been planning to make this shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes-"

"When we get the money,"Fred finishes
."But we've created some of these Skiving Snackboxes and want to try them out on people-"

"So,"George says,"We reckon Marilize is worth the tries."

"That's all she's worth,"I say, and the three of us laugh."Well thanks, Gred and Forge, and I think I could help you with the money part."

"We're already on it,"Fred informs me,"We're betting Lee galleons for the Triwizard Tournament on who's going to win."

"Oh,"I say,"Well, if you need any help, I'm here!"

The Weasley twins mess up my hair.

And the bell rings to change classes.

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