A Bad Encounter

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My parents are chatting with Mr and Mrs Weasley at 9 3/4. My parents have learned to become friends and acquaintances with people that aren't in Slytherin.

"Seen Cho?"Harry asks hopefully. Was he still hopelessly in love with my best friend?

"Nope,"I reply,"She didn't even send me any owls over the summer. She's probably still mad at me for resenting Marietta."

"Marietta's a coward,"Hermione says, hoping to comfort me.

"And a traitor,"Ron adds.

The train comes into view, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I say our goodbyes and board Hogwarts Express.

We walk down the aisles, and find an empty compartment. I take the window seat. Harry sits next to me, and Hermione and Ron sit opposite us. Suddenly, there was shouting in the aisles.

"Ron, Hermione,"Harry says,"Stay here."

Harry and I walk out to see Neville getting bullied by Blaise Zabini.

"Hey!"Harry yells.

"Potter!"Zabini booms."This is none of your business."

"Neville are our friends,"Harry replies coldly,"You are harassing them, so therefore this is also our problem, smart one."

I put myself between Neville and the Slytherins. I appreciated the fact that I grew quite a few inches, so I was the same height as Zabini.

"Oh, what do we have here?"asks a new cheerful voice. A good natured looking man was smiling at us."I'm Horace Slughorn, your new Potions teacher! Come."

"Sir,"Zabini says,"What about Professor Snape?"

"Severus will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!"Slughorn says brightly. Neville, Zabini, Harry, and I walk with him to a room with familiar people and people I didn't know existed. My Hufflepuff friend Ernie, Ravenclaw unbiological brothers Michael and Justin, and my Gryffindor buddies Seamus and Ginny. Slughorn interviews each of us, and I am very flabbergasted when he asks me questions.

"So, Margaret, how was it facing the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange?" He looks at me eagerly.

"I was terrified, but I knew that if I gave up my friends might die. So I had to be brave, which I'm honestly not the best at."

"Tell me, Margaret, how did you repel Dark magic?"

"You mean the Cruciatus Curse? I kind of just thought of Protego, the Shield Charm, and it just worked. It's a sixth year standard, but I read ahead."

"Interesting,"Slughorn says fixedly,"I can see Hogwarts from here. You guys should put on your uniform now!" We exit, and Harry grabs me and pulls the Invisibility Cloak over me.

"Where're we going, may I ask?"I inquire.

"Tracking Malfoy,"he replies, and we put our arms around each other so we become smaller. We follow Zabini into the Slytherin compartments, and Harry puts his foot between the door as Zabini closes the door. He repeatedly slams it into Harry's foot, and I struggle to stop myself from snorting. I shove Zabini forward and into Crabbe's lap. I can't hold back a giggle, and Harry claps a hand over my mouth. Zabini and Crabbe fight, and Harry and I press ourselves to the wall.

Finally, the train stops, and Malfoy tells his friends,"You go on ahead. I need to check something." When the compartments clear out, Malfoy says,"Petrificus Totalus!" The spells hits Harry, and he falls down along with the Invisibility Cloak, exposing me too.

"You too, Yang?"Malfoy snarls."Diffindo!"

"Protego!"I say. He dodges the spell, and I murmur the counter curse for the Body Bind Curse.

"Expelliarmus!"Harry yells. Malfoy's wand flies out of his hand.

"Stupefy!"Malfoy bellows. Harry puts an arm around me and shoves both of us down. The spell hits behind us.

"Harry, let's go,"I say quietly."Accio Harry and my bags!"

Arms still woven around each other, we rush to Hogwarts.

Harry and I hurry out of the

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