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"Hey!"I shout to Ron, Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys who were already waiting for the train. I couldn't find Cho or the rest of my Ravenclaw friends anywhere.

"Hi, Marmar!"they shout back, and we run towards each other and hug.

"So,"I whisper so only they could hear,"How's the Order doing?"

"Great!"Mr Weasley replies happily."Everyone's safe and doing their job."

I nod, and the Hogwarts train approaches.

I wait Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the Weasleys to board, and secretly hand Mrs Weasley a bag of galleons."Use it for Ron's broomstick,"I say."And Ginny too."

"Margaret,"Mrs Weasley says,"We-you don't have to do this."

"Lets just say it's an early Christmas gift,"I grin,"Besides, they need it more than me. Bye!"

I rush for the train, and step inside it.

I spot Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a compartment. I join them, and take a seat next to Harry.

"Couldn't find Cho and your Ravenclaw munchkins?"Ron asks.

"Don't be bloody rude!"Hermione says, and we laugh.

"Nope,"I say,"Haven't seen them over the summer nor at King's Cross. I'm not even supposed to be here, I'm supposed to be over by the Ravenclaw compartments, but who the hell cares? I'm a prefect."

"Yeah,"Harry says pointedly,"But wouldn't you be reported?"

"Nope,"I say,"I'll just say I was patrolling the compartments, and I stopped by to have a quick chat."

"Shouldn't we be patrolling?"Hermione asks Ron.

"Too lazy,"Ron says, yawning, and Hermione rolls her eyes.

"So we have Potter, Weasley, Yang, and the Mudblood Granger,"Malfoy drawls, coming into view with Pansy, who was another prefect.

"Shut up,"Ron and Harry say.

"I'm a prefect, don't order me around, because I, unlike Potter, are a prefect." Pansy giggles maniacally.

"Yeah,"Harry says,"But I, unlike you, are a git, so get out."

We laugh, and I clap Harry on the shoulder and say,"Nice one, Harry!"

"You should be patrolling, Yang,"Pansy says sweetly,"Should I deduct some points from Ravenclaw?"

"No, you won't,"says a new voice. It's Darius. I blush, and Harry says,"Don't stutter." I glare at him.

Darius grew his old buzz cut hair, so it was a little wavier and made me want to mess it up. His skin was still perfect and creamy, his eyes fierce, and he grew a few inches taller than last year.

Hermione and Ron say at the same time,"Wait, you like Darius Flores?"

"Yes,"I mutter,"Shhh."

"Flores,"Malfoy says,"This is not any of your business."

"Oh, but it is Malfoy,"he says quietly."I am a Ravenclaw prefect along with Margaret here, and she is also my responsibility as a fellow prefect, so leave them alone, or I'll report you to the headmaster. We can see from there who he trusts better."

"Very well,"Malfoy's lip curls, and he and Pansy leave.

"Margaret,"Darius addresses me,"Come on, Malfoy was right for once, I really hate to admit, that we must patrol the train. I'll be waiting outside."

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