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Today I have Potions as my first subject. Padma doesn't have that, she has Charms, so she goes off. Darius does, however, and Padma forces me to walk with him.

"Hello, Darius!"I say, my voice not cracking, YAAAAS!

"Margaret!"he smiles, and slows his pace to let me catch up with him."You've Potions too?"

"Yeah,"I reply,"Slughorn's taking over, thank god. Honestly, Snape wasn't my favorite teacher."

"Same here,"he says,"Maybe we should hang out sometime. We have so much in common, really."

"Oh, I'd love to!"I say happily. And we walk to Potions class quickly.

Darius and I sit next to each other in the back of the room.

"Miss Yang!"Slughorn cries."Long time no see!"

"Hello, Professor Slughorn."

We start mixing a potion that was extremely complex, and mine took most of the period to turn a 'lime green.'

"Miss Yang has done it!"Slughorn announces."Well done, Margaret, 10 points to Ravenclaw!"

I blush with pride, and skip joyfully to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Hey, Marmar!"Hermione says. I guess Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I have Snape together.

"Hi,"I say breathlessly. The four of us sit down in the very back of the class, not keen to be noticed by Snape. He starts saying something, but I pay no attention, only eager to start doing something.

"We will be doing mind spells,"Snape says,"You will practice with a partner. Go."

I quickly partner up with Hermione. She and I outdo each other every time. Snape glares at us in annoyance that we were understanding. It was weird doing it, though. Something happened that I didn't realize. It didn't happen with Bellatrix. I could read my opponent's mind. I saw Hermione think, Stupefy! And I quickly thought, Protego! She was blown back, but I stopped her impact with a flick of my wand.

"It looks as if we have a winner,"Snape says quietly."Miss Yang, you have learned how to close your mind and read others, unlike most people." I see Harry turn red."5 points to Ravenclaw."

"How generous,"I mutter.

"And you, Potter, are simply not doing it. Weasley, move aside."

I see Harry face Snape defiantly, and Snape is about to curse Harry, who yells,"Protego!"

The spell hits Snape, who slams into the wall.

"Potter, did not I tell you that we were doing wordless incantations?"

"Yes,"Harry says, gritting his teeth.

"Yes, sir."

"There is no need to call me sir, Professor."

Dean, Seamus, Ron, and I stifle laughter.

"Detention, Potter!"

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