A Call

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I bolt out of my bed, grab my wand, broomstick, and rush out of Hogwarts as fast as possible. I mount my broom and head to the Ministry of Magic. I will my Thunderbolt to fly even faster, ignoring my numb hands, my burning cheeks, my freezing legs, and the bad flying temperature.

A few minutes ago, I was in a dream, too realistic. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ron were fighting Death Eaters and were losing badly. I didn't think twice and headed for the Department of Mysteries as quick as possible. I would've Apparated, but you can't Apparate inside the Ministry. So I took my broomstick.

The Ministry was empty, because it was probably 11 at night. I don't know where to go because the dream didn't specify.

"Point me!"I say, and my wand leads me to the room with a brain strangling Ron. Very absurd indeed.

I put my Thunderbolt down, and sprint toward the fight. Indeed it was my friends battling the Death Eaters.

"Incendio!"I say to the brain, and it lets go of Ron, who slumps down, unconscious. I use the Body Bind Curse on a woman torturing a screaming Neville. Neville stops yelling, and crumples. Luna was Stunned, and Hermione unconscious. Ginny had a broken arm. I used my wand to deliver all my unconscious friends to a side of the room that was Death Eater-less. I healed Ginny's arm, and told her,"Guard them."

"Thanks, Marmar,"she whispers weakly.

"Harry,"I bellow,"No, Stupefy!" My spell hits a Death Eater aiming at him as he battled two at once.

"Marmar!"he says,"What're you doing here?"

"I'm here to help!"I reply, blasting aside another Death Eater."And I must say, I feel quite distressed of not receiving an invitation!" Harry and I fight back to back, Shielding and Cursing Death Eaters one by one. But there were too much.

"Keep them talking,"Harry mutters,"I'll think of a plan."

"You got it."

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