The Quidditch World Cup

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"Ravenclaw!"yells the Sorting Hat. I grin, because I feel relieved. I didn't get Slytherin. Thank God.

The Ravenclaws applaud, and shout my name a few times. I sit down next to a girl with curly reddish brown hair, who smiles at me warmly.


"Stay safe,"my parents tell me, and I nod. They kissed my forehead and cheeks, and I take my broomstick to Cho's.

My parents still resented me a little for not making it in to Slytherin. But I resent them too. I'm glad that I didn't make it to Slytherin, honestly. Slytherins were mean, bullies, and shrewd. I didn't belong there. I was shy, intelligent, and secretly brave. So I guess that's why I made it to Ravenclaw.

The main reason I resented my parents was because they were the typical type of Slytherins. They only socialized to their own house and Ravenclaw. They discouraged me to be friends with Harry, Hermione, Cedric, and the Weasleys, who've been some of my closest friends. They only wanted me hanging around with Cho and her gang, Luna, Pansy, and Draco Malfoy.

"Hey!"Cho says, spotting me."Marmar! I missed you." We kiss each other on the cheeks."Marietta, Cedric, Ernie, Margaret's here!"

"I missed you too, Cho!"

"So we're heading off to the Quidditch World Cup,"Amos Diggory says."Follow me!"

"So,"Cedric says,"How was your summer, Marmar?"

"It's quite boring,"I reply,"I just read all my books and overslept."

"That's nice,"Marietta laughs.

We spend the whole way chatting about our summers.

"Amos!"yells a voice. A familiar one. We turn around.

"Arthur!"Amos says, and the two hug each other.

Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, and Ginny were there. We go up to embrace them.

"It's been, like forever,"Hermione says."It's so great to see you, Mar."

"Same here,"I grin.

Cho, Marietta, and Ernie introduce themselves.

"And the handsome young lad must be Cedric!"Arthur says, smiling at him.

Ginny and Hermione give each other looks saying: Dam. Hottie.

"So here's the Portkey!"Amos announces, signaling at a worn out boot.

"What do we do?"Ron inquires, looking at the boot as if it were dangerous.

"Touch it at the same time,"Arthur replies.

We count to three, and grab the boot.

I feel like I'm in a violent stream, the water shoving me roughly every single way. I grip a thin shoelace tightly, and feel the tips of my fingers losing my hold.

Then we arrive, and I land hard on the dewy grass next to my friends.

"I'm never doing that again,"Marietta mutters.

"At least we're all in one piece,"Cho says, brushing dirt off of her silver sweatshirt.

We agree, and emerge from the hill.

The Quidditch World Cup people are here.

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