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Quidditch was today. Our match against Slytherin. By this time, all the chatter about Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, and I settled down, and everyone looked at me normally. I dress into my Quidditch gear and grabbed my Thunderbolt, and join my team on the field.

"Yang!"Roger Davies, our attractive captain yells,"You're late! We're starting anytime now!"

"Calm down, Roger,"Cho says,"She's early by 3 minutes."

"Early's on time,"Roger says snappily,"On time's late. Better 2 hours early than three minutes late."

"Can you just appreciate the fact that I didn't have to battle a bloody few Death Eaters this morning, Davies?"I ask casually.

He turns scarlet and continues,"We haven't practiced much, but we're a great team as long as WE WORK TOGETHER AND LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHER. And everyone hates Slytherin, so we'll be good."

The stands open, and we head on out, greeted by the usual cheers and boos.

Madame Hooch makes the captains shake hands, and I see Roger and the Slytherin captain glare at each other before shaking on it. Madame Hooch blows the whistle, and I circle into the air faster than any player with my glorious Thunderbolt. I hear the commentator say something about my broomstick.

I was a Chaser, so I immediately started looking for the Quaffle. I spot it, and shoot for the goal, and it goes straight in, because there was no Keeper. I keep shooting the Quaffle repeatedly through the hoop, scoring about 50 points before the Keeper bloody arrives. I fly all around him, trying to confuse him as I shoot more goals in.

I high five Justin and Michael who were the other two Chasers as I pass them, dodging a horrible aimed Bludger all at the same time.

"Yang!"Roger screamed, from the Keeper goals. I fly up to him.

"What, Davies?"

"You see the Snitch over there?" He points at a small golden flash before us, and I nod.

"I'm on it!"I call, already swooping down a terrifying dangerous arc towards Cho, all the time keeping one eye on the golden flashes and my other eye on my surroundings.

"Hey, Marmar!"she says, grinning.

"The Snitch!"I say, pointing at the ball close enough for me to touch. She nods and seizes it faster than I could've grabbed my book from falling off the edge of a table.

"RAVENCLAW WINS!"the announcer cries, and there was a loud cheer. I dive down, stopping my broom from hitting the ground inches from it. My teammates hit the ground right after me.

"Told you to wait for me, Yang!"Roger grins, ruffling my hair."We all won!"

Arms around each other, we skip to the Ravenclaw common room.

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