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Apparating was our next class. So our second elective was cancelled. That means no Divination. YAYAYA!! I've always hated Divination, because you really didn't learn anything but theories. Besides in real life and death situations, how can theories help you? I didn't want Runes because that was too useless. I didn't want Muggle Studies because I've already had enough experience doing to Muggle summer school. Care of Magical Creatures was a little boring and we thought of Hagrid as a little joke in Ravenclaw. I didn't, really. But I didn't want to stick out as much as I do already. So the only elective I enjoyed was Arithmancy because I was excellent at maths.

So in Apparating class, we sixth years walked to a huge room that had these few hundred hoops scattered on the floors, separated from each one by a couple of feet.

I followed the Ravenclaws who stood by Flitwick. My hoop was in between Padma's and Justin's.

"Darius is directly behind you,"Padma whispers."Don't look."

"Your goal is to make it inside the hoop in front of you!"McGonagall instructs."First person who does earns their House 50 points!"

"Get us some points, Yang!"a few Ravenclaws yell. I grin at them. I've Apparated and Disapparated before, so going from a few inches back was a piece of cake.

"You may begin!"

I concentrate, blocking out everything in the room, except for the hoop. I feel my eyebrows scrunched, my face hot and starting to perspire, my lips pressed tightly together in concentration. Then I felt it. The horrible sensation of being dropped from space to earth, your insides feeling like they're coming out. I open my eyes to see myself inside the hoop.

"Margaret Yang, well done!"Flitwick cheeps.

"Impressive, Miss Yang!"Slughorn applauds."50 points to Ravenclaw!" My House cheers, Padma high fives me, Justin claps me on my shoulder, and Darius looks at me grandly.


Today, I got a late notice that there would be a Ravenclaw Quidditch team meeting in the morning. I ponytail my hair, dress into my heavy Quidditch gear, and head out onto the field.

Cho, Justin, Michael, Terry,

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