Real Defence

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"Okay,"Harry says,"Today, we'll be learning Expelliarmus, Stupefy, and Protego. Hermione and I'll demonstrate."

Hermione yells,"Stupefy!"

Harry says,"Protego!" Hermione dodges the spell and it crashes onto a wall.

"Expelliarmus!"Hermione cries, and Harry's wand flies out of his hand.

"Everyone, partners of two or three!"Harry instructs.

There was a great deal of chatter and footsteps, people scurrying around for partners.

I stay outside, guarding the Room of Requirement, making sure no one comes in.

"Hey, Yang!"says a voice. I turn quick to see Malfoy and his goons. What did they want from me now?

"Yes?"I say, tapping my foot, trying to act bored and casual.

"What're you doing out here alone?" he asks.

"Because everyone hates me for believing Harry,"I reply."So everyone's avoiding me." That was not entirely true. The Ravenclaws minus Marietta were now friends with me.

"Well they're right,"Pansy says.

"That's what the Ministry wants you to think,"I snort.

"Well, 10 points off Ravenclaw for bad mouthing the Ministry of Magic,"Malfoy says.

"You can't deduct points from a prefect, Malfoy,"I say incredulously.

"But I'm part of the Inquisitorial Squad,"Malfoy says with a smirk,"Selected by Professor Umbridge."

"I could really care less about what that old fraud does,"I reply airily."We all know who wins at the end, Malfoy."

"What are you guarding?"Crabbe says suddenly.

"No one,"I answer quickly. I learned over the years that fast answers tend to make you sound like you're telling the truth. Just not too fast.

"I just saw something move behind you!"Goyle shouts.

I do the only logical thing that probably would've killed me.

I Disapparate.

I've learned how to by watching and reading. Concentrate on what you're object is, and block everything else out. I concentrate on the area behind Goyle, a few yards behind him.

I disappear with a CRACK!

"Where'd she go?!"Crabbe exclaims.

"I'm over here, you obese loser,"I laugh. They turned, wide-eyed at me, enough time for me to sprint away. I let them tail me with the echo of my footsteps.

"She's over here!"Pansy shrieks, pouting at me.

"You're sure?"I ask, letting my eyes dance with mischievousness. She runs toward me, breathing heavily, the Inquisitorial Squad at her heels. I dart past them, laughing. They're all sweaty and exhausted. Malfoy almost grabs my collar, but I leap into the air gracefully, and Disapparate into the Room of Requirement.

I appear next to Harry, who yells in surprise. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Calm down,"I say,"I just directed Malfoy and his new Inquisitorial Squad." I fill him in with what I did.

"That can't be good, but whatever,"he says."We'll just have to be extra careful." He announces this to everyone and dismisses us.

I walk with Darius, Padma, Michael, and Anthony back, because Cho wanted to talk to Harry after class.

"Well,"I say,"I've a Potions essay I need to finish, so I'll be down here." I point to the desks on the third floor. I run up the stairs, summon my work, and charm my wand to write for me.

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