Meeting the Order

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"Oh, it's so nice to see you, Margaret!"Mr Weasley exclaims, and shakes my hand.

"You too!"I say.

We step into a huge dining room, and people stop to stare at me.

"Everyone, this is Margaret Yang, and she's in Ravenclaw,"Mrs Weasley introduces me. I give a shy wave in front of all these people.

"Yang?"Mundungus says apprehensively,"The only Yangs I know work for the Ministry..." There were a few uneasy side comments.

"Just because my parents work for the Ministry,"I say scathingly,"It doesn't mean I agree with everything they do! Just because they're Slytherins it doesn't mean that they're as horrible as Malfoy!"

Ginny, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, and Hermione nod.

"Mundungus,"Sirius says sharply,"You're drunk. Leave. And everyone, for your information, Margaret here saved Harry from a Death Eater last year. She attacked Barty Crouch Junior and made him unconscious single handedly, saving not only Harry, but destroying the threat to the whole of Hogwarts."

They regard me with new respect, and I blush.

"Margaret also doesn't believe that her parents are doing the right thing,"Lupin says."She's even come to persuade her parents to let Harry go for the hearing."

They seemed much more welcoming and warmer after that. I take a seat next to Hermione and Ginny, who were talking to a woman who introduces herself to me.

"I'm Tonks,"she says,"You don't want to know my first name."

Hermione and Ginny start requesting for her to change her nose, which I find quite amusing.

"So tell me,"Lupin addresses me,"If you don't take this as an offensive question, I'd like to know why you're a Ravenclaw when you have no Ravenclaw blood in you."

"Well, I didn't want to be in Slytherin in the first place,"I confess,"I saw what horrible things they do! I mean, my parents aren't horrible, but I was told all of the Death Eaters and Voldemort were Slytherins, so I got scared. When the Sorting took place, I begged to make it into anything but Slytherin, and my wish was granted. The Sorting Hat even said that I was witty and sharp minded!"I add proudly.

"Interesting,"Kingsley says in a deep voice.

"And I'm sorry if my parents ever regarded any of the Order as people of less worth,"I say quietly.

"They never did,"Moody assures me."They treat everyone the same, just mingle with a certain crowd."

"That's nice to know!"I say brightly. And then an argument starts about how Harry should have a right to know what's going on. Mrs Weasley orders Ginny upstairs, and she complains loudly.

"I'll go up with her,"I say quickly.

"Thank you, darling,"Mrs Weasley says.

I follow Ginny up the stairs.

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