The Beginning of a Battle

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I don't exactly know what happened after that, because I Apparated myself back to Hogwarts. I couldn't bear to know what happened to my friends. I needed to know that they were still safe in the Room of Requirement. I appear, standing on my feet, in front of the whole room. I felt dizzy, and didn't know what happened next, because I passed out in exhaust.


"What the devil happened?"I wake up to an immediate question. I sit up to see the whole room staring at me expectantly.

I spill about the occurrences at the Malfoy Manor.

"At least they got away,"Seamus says earnestly.

"I wonder when they're coming back, though,"Lavender says. As if on cue, my friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville come in.

We scream their names, welcoming them. I hug them tightly. They tell us what they've been doing. Destroying Horcruxes.

"We need to know where the Horcrux is,"Harry says,"It's in here, in Hogwarts."

"D'you have any idea how it may look like?"Michael asks.

"It's small,"Ron says.

"Well that clears everything up,"Terry mutters, and we laugh.

"There's the lost diadem of Ravenclaw,"Luna says. I admit, I haven't thought of that one.

"Luna, it's lost,"Cho says, and I see Harry turn a little red."That's sort of the point."

"Well,"Luna replies rather maddeningly,"I do fathom that no one else in this room has a better suggestion!"

"We should try,"Hermione concludes."It's our only chance."

"Who'll go?"Ron asks.

"Somebody from Ravenclaw,"I say quickly,"I'm not going because I want to kill Death Eaters, not hunt down tiaras."

"I'll go,"Cho volunteers.

"No, Luna will, won't you, Luna?"Ginny says sharply.

"Of course I will!"she says, delighted.

"Harry,"says Lee Jordan."They know you're here. Snape, I mean."

"Let's move out then!"Neville orders."Luna, Harry, go do what you must. The rest of you, we're going to the Great Hall!"

I reach for Darius' hand and he holds it in his warm one. We line up with the Ravenclaws, all in a perfect march.

"You may have heard that Harry Potter is back,"Snape says quietly,"If any of you know where he is, come forward. He will be severely punished and you will be rewarded." No one stepped up.

"Tell them!"Harry yells suddenly, stepping up,"Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!"

Suddenly, McGonagall comes into view and she and Snape duel.

"Miss Yang, back out! This is my duel!"she barks, as I start to use a Shield Charm on McGonagall, so Snape's curses wouldn't hit her.

Snape leaves the room, and we cheer. But then a party pooper comes in.

Voldemort. He gives a lame speech about how Harry was here and we should do the right thing and turn him in and no one gets hurt. Rubbish.

"He's there!"Pansy screams, pointing at Harry,"Somebody grab him!"

Instead, the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and we Ravenclaws turn our backs to Harry, shielding him.

"Miss Parkinson, you and your House will follow Mr Filch,"McGonagall says sternly."The rest of you, come!"

"Mr Finnigan, you and a group will blow up the Wooden Bridge, the rest of you, I will give you instructions."

"Margaret, Ginny, Neville, and Dean,"Seamus chooses."Let's go!" We race to the Wooden Bridge, and start adding some explosives to it. I place a few on the pillars, helping Ginny do some as she was the shortest, and I was second tallest, Dean being first.

"Get to the top!"Seamus orders. We say,"Wingardium Leviosa!" And fly up to the top. Then we race to safety, and Seamus gives me permission to shoot a spell at a bomb to set all of it off.

"Expecto Patronum!"I say, and my wolf Patronus dances around the bridge, and it goes off. The sound is deafening, and my friends and I rush as far back as possible.

"We did it!"Ginny exclaims, and we group hug.

Ravenclaw ProudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora