A Quarrel

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"So how was Ron's?"Mum asks. We were on our way to 9 3/4 in our enchanted flying Muggle car.

But wow, first time she's interested in my friend life.

"It was really fun!"I say."I met some of his friends and Hermione and Harry and the rest of the Weasleys." I was careful not to mention the Order of the Phoenix.

"I really hope,"Pa says quietly,"That you don't believe what Potter's been saying about Cedric."

"Derrick, please-"Mum says.

I blurt angrily,"It's true, Pa! Cedric Diggory's death wasn't an accident. Voldemort is back. I know he is."

"That's enough!"Pa yells.

"Really?"I ask witheringly, ignoring Mum's pleading look."How else did Cedric die?"

"It was a tragic accident,"Pa replies smoothly.

"That's what the Ministry wants you to think!"I snap."But it's not true. The Ministry has no proof that Cedric's death was an accident. They have proof Voldemort's back, the Ministry just won't believe it because they're so ignorant."

"What's the proof, Margaret?"Mum asks softly, now on Pa's side. I knew wouldn't win this debate, even if I had all the facts.

But it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Harry Potter,"I answer,"He saw Voldemort himself."

"He could be just saying that,"Mum says quietly.

"Really?"I ask,"Do you know that I was a witness? Oh of course you didn't, the bloody corrupt Ministry won't give the facts, I forgot,"I add forcefully."Anyway, when Harry came back with Cedric's dead body, Moody carried Harry into his office.

"I followed them, curious as I am. I saw and heard Moody confess he was a Death Eater. He tried killing Harry, but I stopped him.

"I Stupefied him right in the heart, saving Harry and defeating the threat of Hogwarts. Professor Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Dumbldore came in to the scene and proved he was a Death Eater with Veritaserum. I heard and saw it happen, I was there!"

"This is nonsense,"Pa and Mum say in unison.

"Believe what you want to believe, I won't stop you,"I say evenly,"You wish to believe the Ministry over your own daughter, go ahead. I won't stop you. Thanks for hearing me out, but listen to this one last time: You will not force the Ministry beliefs upon me, because I won't let that rubbish happen. I'll see you Christmas, then. Farewell, and tell the dear Minister I said good luck in life."

I exit the car, my parents in it openmouthed.

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