New Professors

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Ever since my sixth year, I've been working even harder on skills that don't have to do with magic. Sword fighting, knife throwing, aim and stance.

Because I was going back to Hogwarts.


I walk with Luna, Padma, Michael, Terry, and Justin to the train. Everything seemed gloomier since Dumbledore was gone. The usual bustling of 9 3/4 disappeared and was now hushed whispers and goodbyes.

The five of us squeeze in with Seamus, Dean, and Neville.

"I've never been in a compartment with another House,"Seamus remarks.

"How does it feel?"Michael asks.

"Like we're all related, yet we look totally different than another,"Dean decides. I agree to that.

Once the train starts moving, we play games. Nothing exciting. But what I'm interested in is that the train bloody stopped in the middle of its journey.

"What's going on?"Terry asks, standing up. Neville walks outside before we could grab him.

"He's not here, losers!"we hear Neville say. I peek to see two Death Eaters. Amycus and Alecto Carrow. Seamus, Dean, Luna, Michael, Terry, and Justin gasp in hottie as Alecto smacks Neville, and I almost cast a curse on her. Alecto glowers at me, and her glare is full of loathing. I fought her last year and left her unconscious with Fenrir Greyback. She starts toward me, and I don't budge, whereas my friends cringe back in terror.

"You,"she spits."Amycus and I will be keeping an eye on you." I shrug, and she gives me one last glare before leaving.

"We will be your new teachers at Hogwarts,"Amycus announces."You are not to disobey our orders." Here Neville snorts loudly, however, there are too many people to know who did what.

"You are not to fight back when we perform something on another student,"Alecto snaps.


The Great Hall is sad and quiet when we arrive, Dumbledore-less, and Death Eater full. It seemed darker and less welcoming. We ate in silence.

Ravenclaw ProudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora