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Defense Against the Dark Arts was my first class. I walked with Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

"What the devil?"Ron exclaims, pointing at the teacher's desk."There's bloody spiders and creepy crawlies in there!"

I shudder at the bugs crawling inside of the jars.

"That's...disturbing,"Harry mutters.

"Extremely,"Hermione says.

"I really hate bugs,"I announce,"So I'm not going to like Defense Against the Dark Arts this year."

"I'm Professor Moody,"shouts a voice suddenly, making us all jump.

Our teacher didn't look human. He had a deformed nose, scars all over his cheeks, a fake leg, and a swiveling fake blue eye, that never focused on anything for more than 5 seconds. I scoot closer to Hermione.

"Your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,"he growls,"First things first. I'm going to teach you the Unforgivable Curses. Never use these, unless you want a one way ticket to Azkaban. Weasley!" he snaps suddenly.

Ron jumps."Y-Yes?"

"Give me one curse,"Moody snarls.

"The Imperius Curse,"Ron mutters uncertainly.

"Good Weasley!"Moody says,"I'll show you what this is. Imperio!" He points his wand at a huge spider. He flicks his wand up, and the spider goes up. Moody flicks his wand toward Parvati, who squeals, and tries prying it off her.

It travels to Ron, and he jumps, the spider crawling on his head. It flies to my hand, and I let out a small scream.

"S-Stupefy!"I say, pointing my wand at it, but it doesn't move.

"Miss Yang!"Moody shrieks,"Other spells don't work on something when it is under the Imperius Curse."

The spider flies away, and I breathe normally.

"Longbottom!"Moody yells."Give me another curse."

"The Cruciatus Curse,"Neville murmurs.

"Yes, very good, Longbottom. CRUCIO!" Moody directs his wand towards the spider, and it squirms in pain.

"Stop it!"Hermione cries, after 10 agonizing seconds."Can't you see? You're hurting it!"

Moody stops."Miss Granger, would you tell me the last curse?"

Hermione shakes her head.

"You, Miss Yang?"

"The Killing Curse,"I whisper.

"Yes. Avada Kedavra!" The spider dies.

"Well,"Moody announces,"That's it for today. Get out!"

Ravenclaw ProudOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora