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Cho, Marietta, Padma, and I sit together in the Ravenclaw common room, drinking perfectly sweetened tea and hot chocolate. I was half reading, half listening and participating in our chat.

"So Terry's asked me out,"Marietta says."He's not the worst. But, he's not the best."

"Have you got anyone, Padma?"Cho inquires.

"Ronald Weasley from Gryffindor,"she replies distastefully."Thought he'd be going with Hermione, but I guess I was wrong for once."

"What about you, Marmar?"

"No one,"I say, looking up from my book."But hey, it's only the third day."

"The git Marilize is going with Darius,"Cho informs me sadly and darkly.

"But I have a feeling that they're going to break up soon,"Marietta says.

"And why is that?"I ask.

"Because,"she replies,"They were arguing last night."

"You overheard?"I ask."How?"

"Well,"Marietta continues,"She was screaming at him for ignoring her at lunch or something. And yeah, it was pretty stupid."

"Well,"I say airily,"What'd you expect? Marilize is a prat!"

We snort and giggle.

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