Diagon Alley

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Sweat poured down like waterfalls down my neck, back, and face. Every hit burned my already sore knuckles, and every kick made the pain in my legs worse. I gritted my teeth with each blow, ignoring the blasting pain.

But I didn't stop.

Three more minutes. I finished off my round with a nice elbow to the head hit with my left. The training dummy tore apart, 2356100% done with my fight.

"Fantastic,"says a new voice behind me, applauding.

"Spectacular indeed,"says an identical one. I turn around to see a pair of redheads. Fred and George Weasley.

I wipe the sweat from under my nose, and ask,"What the devil are you two doing in my house?!"

"We got a request from dear Ronnie and Hermione and Harry to pick you up,"Fred says.

"Give me ten minutes,"I say, and jog up the stairs.

"Hello!"I address my parents, who were looking at me as I came up from the staircase."Long story short. I've gotten a request from my Gryffindor friends to meet them up. And I'll go from there to Hogwarts if I don't send you an owl."

"Okay,"Mum says,"Stay safe!"

Pa and Mum kiss my sweaty forehead, and I take a 2 minute shower, unlike most girls, who have to take half hour showers. I step out of the shower room, and put on a white lace sweater and light blue jeans, because it was chilly outside. I braid my long black hair down my shoulder, lace up my black combat boots, triple check I have all my Hogwarts items, especially my broomstick and wand, farewell to my parents, and meet Fred and George outside of my house.

"So what were you doing in that musty hot room down the stairs?"Fred asks.

"Training,"I reply,"Practicing my reflexes. So when I fight Voldemort or Death Eaters, and I have no wand, I can beat them up."

"Wow,"George says.

"You look different, maybe you grew!"Fred says. That was true. I used to be only as tall as his midsection and now I reached his shoulders.

"Like older...prettier, mature,"George remarks.

"Do I take that as a compliment because for the record you're dating Angelina and I'm in love with a boy who shouldn't even look at me,"I say tersely.

"Oh, Margaret,"Fred says, patting my shoulder,"Everyone should be looking at you...I mean, what you did last year was more than impressive."

"So where are we going?"I ask.

"Diagon Alley,"George replies happily.

"George and I've started our Weasley Wizard Wheezes shop thanks to you and Harry's money,"Fred says."We want to show it off."

"You know how to Apparate?"George asks me.

"Course I do,"I reply,"I'm always ahead by magic one year."

"But the only problem is, Marmar,"Fred starts.

"You don't know where in Diagon Alley to go,"George finishes. He and Fred grab my hands, and I grip them tight as I feel the terrifying feeling of my body being constricted as I Apparated with the Weasley twins. The feeling is over, and the twins and I are on our feet at Diagon Alley. In front of us was the store Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Outside was a sign:"WHY ARE YOU WORRYING ABOUT YOU-KNOW-WHO?

I laugh a little at that, and follow the twins inside. It was incredible. The store was a few stories high, and products were in shelves neatly. Customers were coming in and out, buying so many items.

"This is wonderful!"I exclaim.

"All thanks to you and Harry,"Fred says.

"No charge for either of you,"George adds.

"Thanks,"I say, and I walk up the stairs in awe.

"MARGARET!"screams a voice. Hermione. We rush up to each other and embrace.

"Hermione! I've missed you so much!"I say.

"Harry! Ron!"Hermione yells. My two other friends bound toward me and hug me.

Hermione seizes my wrist and says,"We're going to have a look at the Wonderwitch appliances!" Hermione leads me to a section in the store that was glowing pink.

"Is this really a Dolores Umbridge toy?"I ask, laughing at a toy that had Umbridge's face on a unicycle.

"Yes, yes it is,"Hermione snorts. We take a look at the girl stuff. At the end, I pick out a Pygmy Puff and a Ten Second Pimple Vanisher, a few fireworks, and sweets that weren't Skiving Snackboxes, and even a Dolores Umbridge Toy.

"Okay,"Harry says,"It's time we talk about what's happened."

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