A Death Eater in Disguise

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He raises his wand to a defenseless Harry, and snarls,"Avada Ke-"

"Stupefy!"I scream. My spell hits him in the chest."Bombarda!" I point my wand to a desk, and glass shatters on top of "Moody."

"Marmar!"Harry says,"Thank God you came in time!"

"Harry!"I say."Are you okay? Oh God, your injured. Episkey!" His wound closes.

"Marmar,"he whispers,"I think there's something in there." He points to a shaking basement.

"Reducto!"I yell at it, and it blasts open. I peek through it to see Moody. The real Moody. A wave of nausea overcomes me, and I take a few steps back.

The door bangs open. I immediately point my wand, ready to attack."Confrin-"

It's Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. My voice falters, and I lower my wand, flushing.

"Thank you, Margaret!"Dumbledore says.

Snape shoves the fake Moody onto a chair.

"Sir, Professor!"I say, shuddering,"Moody's in there."

"Miss Yang,"McGonagall says,"Moody is over he-"

The Moody that was just sitting in the chair was now a man with short, greasy black hair.

"Barty Crouch Junior,"Harry gasps. I'm totally lost.

"Severus! The serum!"Dumbledore prompts.

Snape pours red contents in a vial down Crouch's throat.

"Who are you?"Dumbldore asks.

"Barty Crouch Junior." He reveals the Dark Mark branded on his wrist, and I collapse, and Harry catches me.

"Minerva,"Dumbledore says,"Escort Harry and Margaret back to their common rooms. Severus and I will send this young man to Azkaban."

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