Dear Bella

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"Potter giving up?"Lucius Malfoy asks with a sneer.

"Oh, and who is this lovely friend of yours?"the woman who I Body Bound asked. She stroked my hair, and I stop myself from flinching.

"She's the daughter of the Yangs,"Malfoy says."Such a great pure blood family, yet the daughter decides to hang with Potter."

"The Yangs are great indeed,"Bellatrix says to me,"You're in Slytherin, I suppose."

"Ravenclaw,"I say proudly,"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure indeed."

Bellatrix spits,"What a shame, really. Right, Lucius?"

"Yes, and now it looks as if we must get the prophecy,"Malfoy says softly."I think we should start with the girl, don't you think, Bella?"

"Yes, and let her have her wand. I want this to be interesting. And I want NO ONE to interfere. This will be our fight."

"Let them,"I whisper to Harry, who put an arm protectively around me."I've a plan."

I step up bravely, shoulders back confidently. I let my eyes dance happily, and I smirk."What's taking so long, Bellatrix? Scared of hurting a girl who's not as superior as a Death Eater?"

"Shut up!"

"Tell me, Bellatrix Black, are you ashamed of being part of a family who are what you losers call Blood Traitors?"


I laugh musically.

CRUCIO!"Bellatrix roars at me. Harry screams,"No!" But he is glued to his place.

Protego! I think. It works. The curse bounces harmlessly off me, and hits Bellatrix herself. She cries out in pain.

"You didn't mean it, did you?"I ask with a snort.

"Avada Kedavra!" I sidestep the spell easily, and look behind me, where it makes contact with a glass mirror and it bursts.

"Nice aim!"I say sarcastically."You should really join Dumbledore's Army, Black!"


I rush up to her and land a solid kick on her stomach. She gasps, and I take the chance to sweep her off her legs. I snatch her wand away, and snap it in half. I point my wand at her. Her eyes shine with fear and anger.

"I'm giving you two options!"I announce,"Option one. You can leave and I won't stop you. Option two. Turn yourself into Azkaban, and I won't kill dear Bella Black."

By this time, I realize that the Order of the Phoenix was watching the whole time, in awed silence.

"You?"laughs a Death Eater,"Kill?"

"Yeah, like this?"I ask,"Avada Kedavra!" I point the wand at him, and he crumples, dead. Where I found that courage, I don't know.


"Silenco!"I say, and she shuts up.

"We should leave!"yells a Death Eater. There were murmurs of agreement.

"The Dark Lord put ME in charge!"Malfoy roars. I forgot he was there.

But the Death Eaters were already disappearing, even Bellatrix was gone. Cursing, Malfoy had no choice but to go along with them.

Then our real problem came.

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