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In the second week, things start to happen. Neville, Luna, and Ginny make the Dumbledore's Army come back to life again. All of us, Padma, Parvati, Lavender, Michael, everyone from the years we started it were filling in the Room of Requirement.

Lee Jordan, Fred and George Weasley start a radio station that wasn't being tracked by Voldemort called Potterwatch. My name happens to be Bruh, which I picked because I have no life.


"Where're we going?"I ask Luna and Dean, who shake me awake.

"To Harry, Ron, and Hermione,"Dean replies. The three of us mount our broomsticks, Luna stealing one from the unused pile, and head toward my other Gryffindor friends. We land by an enormous mansion, twice mine. I sensed something dark inside.

"This is the bloody Malfoy Manor,"I realize in a whisper.

"Malfoy can't be that stupid,"mutters a new rough voice that wasn't Luna or Dean's. We press against the wall.

"Hey,"says another one,"There's something in here."

"Someone,"says a third voice. We ready our wands.

"GOT YA!"screams the rough one. I feel myself being jerked up and slammed into wood. I probably suffered a bruise, but that wasn't bad. Luna and Dean are groaning beside me, but they seem unhurt.

"Hey, Greyback!" says a voice.

Greyback. I battled him in my sixth year. This can't be good. I see Dean and Luna instinctively push me behind them.

We see our captors. Greyback and two other people.

"They're Snatchers,"Dean says, horrified."They earn gold by capturing blood traitors and Muggle-borns and turning them into the Ministry."

"Yes indeed, boy,"says one."And we have some there. Don't move, or I'll kill all of you,"he warns us.

"Harry?"Luna says, pointing at figures that incredibly looked like Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Hermione, Ron!"Dean and I say in unison.

"You!"Greyback barks at me,"Come out!"

One of his companions points his wand to Luna and Dean, who were now glued to their spots, trying to reach for me. I hide my wand in my cloak, and step out. Greyback seizes my arm and ties me up along Hermione, Harry, and Ron, who were equally as confused to see me. They looked as if they've been hexed, they're faces deformed and weird.

They touch us, and we Disapparate with them to the Malfoy Manor.

"We've got 'em!"roars a voice.

The Malfoys and Bellatrix rush over to us.

"Isn't that Harry Potter?"Lucius says quietly."Draco, come over here. We need you to identify these four."

"N-No,"Draco stutters."I don't know."

"That's got to be Weasley and Granger, and that one's got to be Yang!"Narcissa yelps.

"I don't know,"Draco says.

"It sure is!"Lucius says victoriously.

He and Bellatrix get into an argument about who should summon the Dark Lord.

"Wait!"Lucius says."If we call him, we'll all perish. Stop!"

"Give me the Mudblood,"Bellatrix instructs."Take the three to the attic with the Lovegood girl, Thomas, Ollivander, and the goblin."

"HERMIONE!"Ron screams, the three of us struggling.

My hand was only inches from my knife...

If it weren't so tied up I would've stabbed someone by now.

We are shoved into a room with my friends, a wand maker, and a goblin.

Wormtail comes in to guard us.

Harry starts toward him, and shoves him down, Ron helping.

"I saved your life, Wormtail!"Harry snarls. Wormtail grip weakens, and he strangles himself to death.

Dobby appears suddenly, and I order him,"Take everyone but me and Harry and Hermione and Ron to Shell Cottage!" He nods, and disappears with my friends.

"Reducto!"Ron blasts the door open.

"Shhh!"I say,"Don't let them hear us attack."

"Hermione's about ready to bloody die!"Harry shouts, hearing Hermione scream in agony. I rush up with them, my wand in my hand, my knife in my other.

"Exosseo!"I say to Draco, and he cries out and collapses. This distracts Narcissa, and Ron Body Binds her with the chance.

Bellatrix screams,"Stop! STOP! Or I cut the Mudblood's throat." She has a knife to Hermione's neck.

"Wands down!"she commands. We drop our wands.

Then u hear an almost inaudibly unscrewing sound. My eyes flicker up to Dobby, who's unscrewing the chandelier right above Bellatrix. It gives, and she releases an unconscious Hermione. Ron grabs her, and Dobby Apparates us out.

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