I set a glass of water on the table and sat on the couch and went through the booklet quietly. Hidan grumbles and slumps next to me with the same booklet open. "Who do you fucking think we should kill old man?" Hidan said as he boredly flipped through the pages. I took my time skimming over the information that was given to me. "Im not sure yet." I mumble, not really paying attention to him. It was quiet for a good few moments before Hidan interrupted it. "Jasin~ Sexy babe on page thirty-four!" Hidan hoots. I ignored him and flipped another page before Hidan shoved the booklet in my face. "Look you bastard! Is she not?!" I grabbed his wrist and was about to tear it off but froze in place.

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Age: (age here)

Former Village: (Village here)

Former Rank: (Ninja Rank here)

Recognizable Traits: (What you look like)

Wanted for: Escaping an Asylum. Body count was last trailed at 254

Hidan suddenly yanked the booklet from my view. "Jasin! You didnt need to be fucking rough!" Hidan growls at me as he rubbed his wrists before going back to his book. I quickly grabbed my book and go to that same page where she was at. The smog like person from my dream sudden appeared next to the picture and sudden it was all clear. A smaller version of that same person. I clicked my tongue. "So? Are we fucking going after her?" Hidan mumbles boredly. I thought about it. "Yes but we are not killing her." I grumbled before walking off to grab my gear. "Oh~ So you think she is hot!~" Hidan tails behind me. I rolled my eyes. "Its not like that." I grumbled before making sure I have everything before starting to head towards the exit. "So you can fuck her? Torture her? OH! Making I can sacrifice her to Jasin! He will be so proud!" I pounded my clenched fist into the wall. "You are going to fucking to stay here. I am doing this on personal business." I growled darkly. Hidan crossed his arms. "What kind of fucking business do you have with a fucking crazy bitch?" He whines. I glared at him. "My. God. Damn. Business. Stay out of it!" I howled in frustration. Hidan takes a step back and held his hands up. "Jasin! Fucking fine! I am just going to annoy the gay blonde." Hidan mumbles bummed out before slinking away. 'that was easier than I thought' I thought as I watch him disappear around the corner. I adjusted the strap on my shoulder before leaving the hideout.


I played with a coin between though my fingers before I hear a knock. I tilted my head over to see (y/n). "Nice place Kakuzu." She teased as she looked around. I snuck into an abandon house just outside the village. The door was taken out and just about everything was ready to fall apart. I remained silent as I watched the coin dance against my knuckles. "Kakuzu.." I hear her call out to me. "Did they make fun of you again?" I hear her ask quietly. "What do you want?" I mumble glancing up at her with a glare. "I am just making sure you are alright." She said. "Well I dont need you to look after me! Get lost." I hissed and turned my body away from her. I hear her shift and sit down. "I dont want to... I get treated the same way you do.." The movement of the coin freezes and I turned my head towards her. "I doubt that. Like I said before, humans are liar. Get-" "But Im.... I am not human.." If I didnt stop talking, I would have missed what she said. "What?" She shifted nervously. "I want to have a friend.... I cant say I am human if am part animal.." I watch her fidget in her spot. "What are you? You could be lying to me." I narrowed my eyes at her. Her gaze met my own. I watched her lower her head to the ground, the sound of bone cracking and remolding inside of her, and fur sprouted from her body. Her body grew in size and in front of me was a jaguar. The large cat shift and lifted itself off the ground. The same (eye color) burned its stare at my own. It chuffled and stepped closer. I scooted back slightly which made the cat stop. The round ears fall before it sat down staring at me. I was quiet and studied the large cat. After a while I reached out and touched its fur. She was right

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