Jokes on You

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I don't know how far we've walked but Percy furrows his eyebrows like he might recognize the landscape. "This is where we met Akhlys." He says scratching his head and glancing around like she might be hiding. As we walked we heard the distant roar and shouts of monsters. It sounded like they were after us. I had pulled my sword out and sis the noises drew closer they faded away. It's like they could sense the blade and had become completely terrified and decided not to approach us.

"Maybe she sensed the blade?" I replied with a shrug.

"What was after this?" i ask him as we sit down to rest.

"Not much. Just Chaos and the House of Night below it or in it." he raises an eyebrow at his sentence like he's just confused himself.

"You don't sound too sure and what do you mean Chaos. You were naming it." Nico smirks.

"Guess your'e not that good with your mythology." i roll my eyes at him.

"Pardon me for forgetting a few things. I'm still trying to get past the part where all of this is real and not some elaborate dream." Someone pinched me and i yelped. Jason. I hit him. "What the heck?" i whined.

"Did that feel like a dream." i narrow my eyes at him and rub my arm.

"No." i mutter looking away from his bright blue eyes. Jason and Hazel laugh and i hear Thalia and Nico chuckle lightly. Nico does nothing more but smile.

"Chaos is nothing." Nico says getting us back on track.

"Nothing? Ooo I'm scared now." i reply sitting on the dusty ground and leaning up against Nightwing who has plopped himself down behind me. Nico gives me a look.

"Chaos is said to have created everything." Percy says sitting next ot me. I glance at him and he has a small weary smile on his face.

"But if he's nothing and created everything..?" i don't know what my question is. "Does he exist?" i shrug.

"I guess. I mean logically you can't make everything from nothing. That's just impossible." Percy sighs.

"The impossible always seems to become possible fo us." I stare blankly at the ground.

"He made everything, from nothing." i repeat. Everyone nods.

"So who made everything with him? Or was it just.. Him?" everyone looks at someone different like they might have the answer.

"Umm himself i think." Percy finally speaks up.

"I'm just confused now." i murmur. Percy chuckles and shakes his head. We're quiet. "So, House of Night. It's in Chaos or on him..?" Percy licks his lips.

"Yes." he says finally.

"What's it like?" Percy shrugs. "You said you've been before." i point out. Nico answers instead.

"It's the House of Night Violet." i look at him.

"So?" i question with a shrug of my shoulders.

"So even the Giants, and Titans steer clear of it. Whatever's in there even our sunglasses won't block." Nico says tapping the lenses. I turn to look at Percy for confirmation.

"Annabeth and I closed our eyes and ran. We didn't open them for anything. I'm surprised i didn't trip and die." he tells us. I smile a little.

"Well what do you think is in there?" i question out loud.

"What are you worst nightmares?" Jason asks sounding a bit dark . I shrug.

"I don't remember them." Jason rolls his eyes.

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