Spouts of Water

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"So. Big brother." I said turning toward Percy which made him laugh instantly.

"Never thought I'd hear that." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well you'll get used to it." I said with a smile. "What now?" I asked.

"Well let's take you to our cabin. You've been carrying around that backpack all day." Percy said gesturing to it on the ground over by the table.

"Oh yeah. I just never knew where to put it." I replied with a shake of my head.

"Well come on. Uhh we're going to need another bed for you I guess." Percy said sounding a bit excited. "Or I can just make you sleep on the floor." I suggested. Percy laughed.

"Fat chance. Come on." He said motioning for me to follow him. I ran and picked up my back pack slinging it over my shoulder then jogged after Percy. I'd never been so happy before. I actually have a brother. I have family. "Wait up!" i called out before i reached him.

"Sure baby sister." Percy replied turning toward me walking backwards.

"Don't call me baby sister. I'm not that much younger than you." i said hitting his arm lightly.

"Still younger than me." Percy said a humorous glint in his eye. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So we have like years of bonding to make up. What do you want to do?" i asked as we continued toward the cabin. Percy shrugged.

"What do brothers and sisters even do?" he asked looking at a bit confused. I shrugged.

"They fight a lot." i suggested.

"Well i hope we don't do that." Percy said firmly.

"They also make fun of each other." i said with a small laugh.

"Now that I can do." Percy said ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" i shouted pushing him away. Percy laughed.

"How are we so sure you're my sister?" Percy asked mischievously.

"Uhh the trident over my head was a pretty clear sign." i said waving my hand over the space above my head.

"Well if you are my sister we're just going to have to test that theory." he said smiling widely.

"I actually. This makes sense now. I could hear Blackjack talking to you. I thought I was crazy." I rolled my eyes at myself but could tell this wasn't the answer Percy wanted. "What did you have in mind?" i amended, smiling back.

"You'll see." Percy said opening the door to our Cabin. I dropped my stuff down by his bed, well i assumed it was his bed by the way it was messily made.

"Lets get started then? Do you know any cool water moves?" i asked walking past him out the door. Percy laughed but didn't say anything.

"No!" i shouted tapping my foot on the sand and crossing my arms.

"Oh come on! If you're my sister you won't drown." Percy said holding out one hand to me. He was ankle deep in the water that lapped around him like it wanted to be closer to him.

"I'd rather not try. I have a fear of drowning." i said nervously twisting my t-shirt in my hands. It was true. I had almost drowned in a pool one time. Well not really. Now that i think about it i had been perfectly calm as i tipped over into the chlorine filled water. It was everyone else around me that freaked out which made me freak out and i've been scared of drowning ever since.

"If you begin to drown I'll save you. Or you can save yourself." he said with a small smile.

"Meaning?" i asked. "If you draw the air bubbles in around you, you can make your own personal air bubble." he said motioning with his hands a giant circle around him.

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