Sleepwalking Scavenger Hunt

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"Violet! Hey! Violet!" someone was shouting. I groaned as Percy shook my shoulder.

"Five more minutes." i mumbled.

"No!" he replied harshly. "Wake up now!" he shouted. That was definitely not Percy. He wouldn't be so harsh with me. I mumbled something incoherent and opened my eyes slowly. Before me stood the wild eyed, dark haired boy I've come to know as Nico. "What in Hell are you doing out here!" he shouted at me.

"I'm in Hell?" i asked still confused, trying to remember where i was. What happened? Why was Nico shouting? What was the last thing i remember.. Capture the flag.. Going back to my Cabin and falling asleep. So what was the matter? "Why are you in my Cabin?" i grumbled.

"What? Violet I'm not in your Cabin!" Nico shouted. I pushed him away from me.

"You're being really loud and I'm tired!" i whinnied.

"Violet listen to me." i shook my head.

"Nico just go I'm tired." i repeated not wanting to listen to what he had to say. I started to fall backwards but Nico caught me.

"Hey Violet!" i shook my head again shutting my eyes while he righted me.

"Go away Nico. Later." i murmured.

"No! Violet. We're. Out. Side." he said each word carefully so as to make me understand.

"Outside." i muttered looking down. No we weren't i mean. Dirt. I saw dirt. Then my feet. Standing on the dirt. I wasn't wearing shoes. I wiggled my toes. Yup they were definitely there i could feel the dirt. I could feel the rocks. Then a breeze picked up that blew back my hair and the hem of my jacket. Suddenly i was fully aware of where i was and also of the fact that i wasn't wearing a bra under my baggy sweatshirt. "Shit Nico why are we out here!" i shouted at him.

"First of all i found you out here. Why would i bring you out here?" he asked clearly annoyed. I looked down at my hands stained with dirt. Dirt under my nails, lightly layering my fingers. What the hell? I wiped it away as best as i could and found my clothes to be stained as well.

"This will never come out." i mumbled pulling at my pajama pants.

"I think we have a bigger problem then dirt stains right now. What's around your waist?" he asked pointing toward my hips.

"What..?" i said. I was still stuck on the my being outside part and now there was something around my waist? I hopped it wasn't a bug or some sort of creature of the woods. I felt leather straps and a metal handle.. A sword... I pulled it free from the scabbard and brought it out in front of me. It was gleaming in the moonlight. It had a golden handle and a golden blade. It was down right gorgeous. "Wow." i breathed out in fascination. It was sharp to a point and everything about it felt right. It was balanced, and fit into my hand like it was made for it. The metal was so shiny i could see my reflection in it. Twigs in my hair dirt on my cheeks but i didn't care. The sword was perfect. There was writing carved into the base of it. The letters made no sense as they jumped and twirled around. I made a face Dyslexia. God damn it. But then the letters stopped moving and formed a single word. "Harpē. " i said slowly. I looked back up at Nico in confusion.

"It means sword. Violet holy hell it's the sword!" he shouted waving his arms around.

"What do you mean the sword?" i asked.

"Shit we have to.. We have to.. Let's go back to camp come on!" he shouted grabbing my arm and beginning to drag me along.

"Wait Nico! How'd you find me? Where are we?" i complained pulling away. I really was tired. My leg muscles were sore like i had been running and my shoulders hurt from what i presume had been digging up this sword.

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