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I turn at the voice and find Nico there leaning up against a tree. "How did you figure?" i ask. Nico shrugs.

"I don't know, Sea Salt." i sigh and look back out across the ocean. "Funny thing is, your brother was down here early. Thought you might have gone this way, but you weren't here." i shrug.

"I was in the woods. I just sort of kept walking until i ended up here. I didn't know where i was going, probably in circles." i let out a small laugh before staring at the sand.

"Do you really believe the girl in the prophecy is you?" Nico asks. I nod.

"I want it to be me." Nico looks puzzled his dark eyebrows knitting together.

"Why?" i don't mean to tell him but it comes out anyways.

"Because i don't want it to be anyone else and i don't mean that in a selfish way." he jsut stares at me. Groaning i sit on the ground. Nico joins me. I scoop up the sand and watch it fll through my fingers before Nico speaks up.

"What do you mean then?" he asks quietly.

"I don't want you guys getting hurt." i say tierdly. "A life to pay with a single breath? That can't mean anything good. Someone's going to die Nico and i rather that be me than anyone else." His dark eyes smolder.

"That could mean any number of things." he starts to argue.

"Really? Like what? Because it sure as hell sounds like somebody is suppose to die in order for the earth to not dance with death." Nico falls silent and i scoff shaking my head. "Maybe.. Maybe you guys shouldn't go. I should just.." Nico cuts me off.

"No. The prophecy clearly states, the Children of the Big Three." i sigh and look back out at the setting sun.

"Beautiful." i say. Nico looks from me to the sunset a bit confused.

"The sunset or me?" i laugh and lean back propping myself up with my hands. Nico copies my motions and crosses his ankles. His ice cold fingers are inches from mine.

"The sunset." i reply.

"Oh my gods thank you." turning my head i see Percy and Annabeth tromping through the forest headed our way. While Annabeth has her eyes on Nico Percy has his eyes on me.

"I'm fine Percy." i say getting up. He wraps his arms aroudn me in a hug.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry about all of this." he says into my hair.

"Yeah Percy I'm fine. What are you sorry for? This messed up world we live in? Or finding me and turning out to be my brother?" he pulls back and shrugs a smiel tugging at his lips.

"I don't know. All of it?" he says.

"Really? Because I'm not. Prophecy or no prophecy I'm glad I'm here. I'm glad i have an annoying older brother." Percy rolls his sea green eyes as Nico stands brushing the sand from his pants.

"So about what you missed.." Annabeth begins. I sigh. "We're heading out tomorrow. All six of us. You're in charge and.." i hold up a hand and Percy shuts up.

"Wait. I'm in charge?" i ask pointing at myself. Percy nods. "What? Why? Why not you or Jason or Thalia or Nico. Not me. Please not me." i begin to beg. Percy shakes his head though.

"You got the prophecy and..." i groan and throw my hands up.

"Dang it." Percy shrugs and gives me a small smile.

"It won't be so bad. You'll have plenty of power hungry leaders on this trip so.." he shrugs.

"Does that include you?" Percy blushes.

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