Meeting the Masses

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From left to right it's Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper and Leo. This isn't exactly how i pictured them but it's close enough. Also not my drawing.

"So. Yeah." I said dropping my hand. His hands were warm and he looked friendly but something about those piercing blue eyes told me he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Jason here is the son of..." Percy started.

"Zeus... Or Jupiter." They all stared at me wide eyed. Had I said something wrong?

"Uhh yeah. Jupiter.. How did you know?" Jason asked. I shrugged.

"I guess it makes sense. Percy's eyes are the color of the sea and yours are the color of the sky." I said slowly. Percy nodded.

"Well your eyes are blue too." Percy pointed out. "Well yeah but I doubt I'm a daughter of one of the big three." I said turning to look at him.

"So you had a dad growing up." Annabeth stated. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"I uhh. I'm an orphan. So no help there." I said meekly running a hand through my hair. They stared at me as if waiting for me to explode or something. Just then I noticed a dark haired girl pushing her way to the front of the crowd. She came and stood next to Jason looking me up and down. Goodness was everyone going to do this. She looked up at Jason as if expecting the answers to come pouring out of him.

"Violet this is Piper." Jason said taking her hand in his. Oh right. Of course he would have a girlfriend. "Piper, Violet." I waved slightly.

"I like your hair." I said. Piper touched it self consciously. I could tell she had cut it herself. Probably with safety scissors. Jason was staring at me as if I had just somehow offended him. Annabeth looked like she was ready to defend someone's honor. "I'm not trying to be condescending or rude or anything." I said quickly. "I just.. I've done that.. Cut my own hair before.." I said running a hand through my choppy layers. My voice faded off and they all seemed to relax.

"I like your hair. It goes good with your eyes." Piper said. I looked down at the ground. I didn't like when people pointed out the color of my eyes and now it's happened twice today. I wished I still had on my black eyeliner. Though I've been told it does nothing to hide the color of my eyes. If anything it makes them brighter. I nodded and stepped just a but closer to Percy.

"How come I drew a crowd?" I said lowly.

"Well uhh.." Percy stuttered.

"Your prophecy. Everyone's heard it." Annabeth replied for him.

"Prophecy?" I echoed confused.

"You shall find in her in the eagles wake. And all should quake, for fear. She holds more power than she knows how to wield." A girl said emerging from the crowd. She was short with brown hair and caramel colored skin. Though she was tiny her golden eyes told a different story. She had seen a lot for someone so young.

"And that's about me?" I asked slowly.

"Well I did find you getting attacked by a giant eagle." Percy said calmly.

"The Caucasian Eagle?" Annabeth said looking at Percy worried. "But when he died the gods made him into a constellation in the sky. He's supposed to be dead. And I mean. Dead dead. No coming back dead." Annabeth continued. What does dead dead mean? Once you're dead you're definitely dead. Dead forever.

"I guess nobody told him that." I said lightly. To my surprise Percy laughed and so did somebody else. A scrawny Mexican kid walked up with a tall buff football looking player type guy.

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