Everybody's Got to Start Somewhere

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"You don't have to do this!" Nico screamed. I wasn't listening as I took another step closer. "The prophecy is wrong! It's wrong!" He kept screaming. I swallowed feeling a lump in my throat. Don't. Be. Afraid. He can smell fear. He is fear. He reeks fear. He just laughed. It sounded like children screaming and lions roaring.

"The child chooses correctly! It is only fair." He bellowed. Then raising a big horribly grotesque finger he beckoned me closer. I bit my lip and stepped forward on command.

"Violet stop please!" Nico begged. I almost turned around. I knew if I did I would run toward him and all my friends who lay unconscious on the ground. But if turned around I would be dead before I reached them.
"It's suppose to be like this. This is my destiny." I said my voice coming out even. Calm, cool and collected even in the face of death.

"Come closer." He said. I stepped forward and was wrapped up in the darkness. It clouded my vision. Drowned out Nico's screams of protest. The dark tendrils snaked around my arm. I held it up and watched it. "Are you ready?" He asked. I don't know if he was just being polite or if he was a trying to strike fear into me.

"Yes." I replied. It barely came out in a whisper. Then the darkness came inside me. I didn't see it happen but I sure did feel it. Choking my lungs making my heart grow cold. My veins ran dry and my organs collapsed. I fell to the ground like a log. I was still conscious unfortunately, so the last thing I smelled was death. The last thing I saw was Nico and the last thing I heard was him screaming my name.

I wake up reeling from a dream I can never remember once I open my eyes. I stare up at the plain boring ceiling of my bedroom. I focus on the different shades of white trying to slow my heart rate and make my breathing come out more evenly. The pit at the bottom of my stomach won't leave. I have this empty feeling inside that I've never been able to shake.my heart rate slows and I slowly take in my surroundings. The faded blue ripped wallpaper. Posters of obscures bands hung carelessly on the wall. I'm never anywhere long I don't see the point in trying anymore. They'll barely have time to collect dust before it's time for me to go again.

Most of my clothes are still packed and the suitcase lays open on the floor. My foster parents have been telling me for a week now to put everything away and clean up my room but they just don't get it. In a week maybe less I'll be gone. They'll never see me again and they might be glad because of it. Everywhere I go I cause little "accidents". I put quotes around accidents because it's never really my fault. Stuff just happens and it gets pinned on me because.. Well I don't know why. Wrong place wrong time. I sort of think I'm cursed. No i'm most definitely cursed.

I'm an Orphan. I've been sent to more homes than i can count. Run away from most of them too. I always somehow get picked back up and put into the system. It's like they can track my motions. After running away once when i was sixteen i had stopped by at a doughnut shop two cities away. The smell attracted me. While i sat in their picking apart a glazed doughnut a lady walked in wearing a business suit. I should've ran when i saw her. I should've recognized right away who she was, but i didn't. The foster home they'd placed me in was a horrible one. My "parent's" wanted nothing to do with me. They lived in a trailer park and took all the money the state gave them and put it into their back pockets. I hadn't had anything to eat in three days. I was prepared for this sort of thing of course. I'd come across multiple situations like this. I always had snacks and a little money i hid but that had run out. So i ran.

She came and sat across from me at the little table. "Now Violet." she started. I sighed and looked up at her. Her name is Alice. She.. Handles me. I'm too much of a hassle for most families, for most people really. They appointed someone special to take care of me. She is in charge of knowing where i go and when. She usually arranges the homes i am to be placed in. The only time i get sent to horrible places like the one i have run away from is when she goes on vacation. The system doesn't care what happens to me but Alice does.

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