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Jason led me to a cabin decked out all in the color pink. I instantly cringe. "Piper!" Jason calls out as he steps through the doorway. I follow behind carefully trying not to touch the walls or anything besides the floor of the cabin which is carpets in something pink and fluffy. I have the odd sense that i should puke on everything.

"Jason!" Piper says happily getting up off of her bunk bed and striding toward him. She stops when she see's me lingering in the doorway.

"Have you seen Percy?" Jason asks as Piper narrows her eyes at me..

"He was with Annanbeth when i last saw him." Piper says looking up at her boyfriend. There's a couple of girls and a few boys standing off in the corner in a little huddle. They appear to be gossiping. Some of them are giving m funny looks.

"Ok we'll try to find him. Care to join?" Jason asks gesturing back at me without taking his eyes off of her. She glances at me nervously and pushes her bangs out of her face.

"Sure. Why not." she smiles but i know the real reason she's coming. She's afraid i might make a move on her boyfriend too. I wasn't even making a move on Percy. I was just having fun. I know he's like the guy, other than Jason, but he has a girlfriend and I'm not like that. And yet.. I'm drawn to him. I'm drawn to his green eyes and his dark hair. I don't know if it's a blossoming crush or.. Something else.

"Come on." Jason says touching my shoulder lightly to turn me around. I clear my head of such thoughts and we begin to head toward what a presume is the Athena cabin. Jason knocks on the door frame before stepping in.

"Is Percy or Annabeth in here?" he asks. Several dark haired boys and girls all with eyes like Annabeth's turn to look at us. They shake their heads slowly seizing me up. I blush and exit the cabin and Piper and Jason follow after me.

"I don't think many people like me." i say looking at the ground. "

You're just new." Piper says trying to make it sound like a good thing.

"I've been the new girl plenty of times. This is something different." i said trying to make her understand without really saying anything. Nobody answered.Jason and Piper began asking around for Percy and Annabeth most had no clue some of them pointed us in one direction and once we got there we were pointed in the other.

"Well it's almost time to eat dinner." Jason says glancing at a watch on his wrist.

"We'll probably see him at the mess hall, and if not the pavilion at Camp Jupiter." Jason said with a nod of his head.

"Do you guys always switch back and forth between the camps?" i ask. Jason shrugs.

"For the most part. If you're a Roman though you live over there with your legionnaire. If you want you can bunk over here for a night and vice versa." Jason explains.

"Legionaries?" i asked. Jason nodded.

"We don't have cabins per-say like they have here for each god. We have legionaries. Like small armies." Jason said rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded. The sound of a horn washed over the valley. I watched kids in orange and purple shirts stop what the were doing and begin to head in two general directions. Some toward the mess hall and others toward the gate. Purple and orange shirts alike went either way.

"Are the two camps close?" i ask slowly.

"For the most part yeah." Piper replies. "But it wasn't always like that." she clarifies. "

According to history it was never like that." i said running a hand through m dark waves. Jason smirks.

"It wasn't at first, but things changed." Jason grabs Piper's hand at this point and i wonder what's changed. Was there a whole Romeo and Juliet thing going on or something worse. I decide to ask later. The cabins have formed themselves in a line and are all following a central leader. Piper has branched off to lead her Aphrodite troop Jason and i walk alone side by side.

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