The Girl with Paint in Her Hair

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At breakfast the next morning all eyes were on me. "I feel like a freak." i whisper to Percy as we sit down at our large table.

"We're all freaks here. You just happened to wander into the forest in the middle of the nigth bearing the first sword ever known to man. So you know." Percy teased. I coudl hear the concern in his voice, though, and his uneasiness as his eyes slipped to the sword strapped to my side. I had walked out of our Cabin without it this morning but it would have none of that. We had barely gone five feet before i felt a weight around my hips meaning the sword had come with me.

"I still don't like having people stare at me. I hate attracting attention." i whispered back harshly. Percy just rolled his sea green eyes and nudged my shoulder.

"Lighten up. Everyone will forget all about this in a couple of days." But we didn't have days. Today i would get my prophecy from the Delphi and after that i would assemble a team nad start my quest. If that wasn't scary enough she was supposedly some bad ass girl with flaming red hair. Percy said she was cool, that they were friends, but she was also the Delphi. I don't think that's very cool. Or maybe it is. Telling prophecies is pretty cool. Not really knowing the outcome, not so cool. She only foretold prophecies hse had no clue what she said or any knowelge of saying it aftwards. Or, so I've been told.

"Is Nico out?" Hazel asks as she sits down next to Frank. I shake my head and bite my lip. I haven't seen him since last night. "Weird. I thought he was going to start making this a regular thing." Hazel pouted looking like a stepped on puppy. If she looked upset i wondered what i looked like.

"Make what regular thing." i jumped at the sound of Nico's voice as he slid in next to me. His chains clinked as they bumped the hilt of my sword.

"Showing up." i replied. Nico smirked and didn't say anything. Hazel perked up immediatly. While conversations floated aroudn us Nico and I sat in silence.

"Nervous or something?" he whispered in my ear his breath tickling my hair.

"Yes." i breathed out staring at the concrete table below me. Nico chuckled and didn't say anythign else until we got up to give our offerings to the god. He stood right behind me even though he got out first and whispered in my ear the whole time.

"About what?" i glanced at him and almost bumped into the girl in front of me as i stepped forward. I smiled sheepishly and she scoffed flipped her blonde hair and turned around.

"You know what about." i hissed back at him.

"No not really. I can't read minds Violet." I rolled my eyes at how dense he was being.

"The Delphi. I have to meet with her today." i reminded him.

"You mean Rachel?" i nodded and began chewing on my bottom lip. "She's nothing. If you want to see something scary you should see me during the night." i shook my head at him in disbelif.

"I already have. Nothing special." Nico laughed lowly.

"Are you sure about that." i didn't reply because it was my turn to give my offering. I scraped a heap of my food into the fire and sent a quick message to my dad. Hey there.. Father? I don't really know if you're listening or not but umm i would like to i don't know. Gain some of your wisdom. I'm really freaking out down here! Thanks. Sighing i headed back to the table glancing at Nico as he grudgingly sent an offer to his dad.

"What's got his boxers in a twist." Thalia commented glancing at Nico who was now scowling as he walked back over ot the table.

"His dad kicked him out of hell remember." Thialia rolled her eyes.

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