School. Which is the Same Thing as Hell.

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"You'll be fine." Mr. Malcolm said as i hopped out of the car. I shouldered my bag feeling my hands shake just a little bit. I looked at him through my dark mascara which i always used to make me look.. Unapproachable. It never worked.

"I know." i replied confidently. Sort of. My voice came out even but the storm brewing in my stomach made me want to throw up everything I'd eaten in the past twenty-four hours.

"Don't worry." Mr. Malcolm repeated.

"I'm not." i said. Mr. Malcolm nodded. Slowly i shut the door. He lingered as i turned around. He took off when i was halfway to the steps of the school. I sighed and my shoulders dropped. All of my confidence was gone. The whispers and long stares started immediately. I felt their eyes on me as i made my way toward the school office. A group of girls with pink nails and pastel clothing eyed me as i marched down the hall. With five inch heels that looked absolutely killer and perfect straight hair to the middle of their backs i can tell that these are the girls i should steer clear of. They aren't the most welcoming bunch in the world. They pop their pink bubble gum and giggle. I grind my teeth as i push open the office door. The lady at the desk looks up at me bored.

"Hi. I'm Violet. I'm new here." i tell her resting my bag on the counter. She's chewing gum too. I try not to roll my eyes.

"Violet what." she asks in a monotone voice.

"Violet Carter." i reply. She spins in her chair and wheels toward a filing cabinet. I tap my nails on the counter and look around the room. The walls are white and the ceiling is paneled with flecks of black and gray in them. The floor is tiled a different shade of white than the color of the walls. There's a fake plant in the corner of the room next to a line of chairs. A door off to my left is marked Principle's Office. I'll probably be sent there sometimes this week. I sigh and pull my bag off the counter. I pull my jacket farther down and cross my arms. She wheels back over.

"Violet Carter. Here you go. Class schedule. Map of the school. Have a great first day." her voice holds little emotion and I shove the legal papers into my backpack trying my best not to crumple them before I carefully fold up my class schedule. I've already memorized it. My parents got me the schedule beforehand it's the school I don't know how to maneuver. People push and shove and rush past me. I twist and turn this way and that trying to find my first class.

When the first bell rings and the halls begin to clear I know I'm in trouble. My class is on the second floor of the high school and I'm across the hall from the stairs. I book it down the slightly clear hallways and throw myself up the stairs. I take them two at a time and then run down the hallway. Of course the classroom would be the very last one in the back. I burst through the door right as the second bell rang. My eyes were wide as I took in the classroom, the teacher and the students were staring at me like I had just committed a murder.

"You're late." The teacher says gruffly. I tugged at the strap of my backpack pulling it up higher onto my shoulder.

"I'm new." I replied in the same tone. The teacher sized me up and I did the same. He was maybe in his late forties. He had light brown hair and a beard. He was wearing a stripped button up shirt and what looked to be freshly ironed slacks. His mouth was set in a firm line. Arms crossed over his chest. He was not looking forward to this school day. His dissatisfaction mirrored my own. I watched him take in the dark clothing and eyeliner.

"Alright what's your name." He said leaning up against his desk.

"Violet Carter." I said dropping my hands to my side. Play it cool. Don't look weird. I told myself.

"Right well. I am Mister Coffman and if you are late to my class again I will send you to the office. Take a seat." I nodded hoping my cheeks weren't going to turn red from embarrassment. Thankfully there was one open seat in the back. Unfortunately it was next to a boy who was slouched in his seat wearing an oversized varsity jacket. His short hair was styled to the left and his eyes raked up and down me as I walked toward my seat. I tried not to shiver under his gaze. He leaned forward in his seat as I sat down. He was wearing a stupid smirk on his face and staring at me like any second he might just pounce on me.

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