Double the Trouble.

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Percy kept one hand on my shoulder as he pointed everything out to me. He slightly turned me in this direction or that as we walked around the valley. We headed toward the volleyball pits where several campers were playing a match against several satyr's. They all turned to look when we walked up. The volleyball which the kids had been serving didn't make it over the net and instead flopped down right in front of it. They were all watching us. The satyr's turned too. All eye's were on us. "Hey guys." Percy said with a small wave. This seemed to wake them from their thoughts. The satyr's grabbed up the ball and the game began again. We headed toward the amphitheatre where a great ruckus could be heard.

"Are the kids fighting?" i asked just a bit concerned. Percy smiled.

"No not really." we walked in through the archways onto the field. The first thing i saw was a massive black wall of fur. Then the wall of fur turned sniffing with it's large nose.

"A dog?" i questioned slowly ready to back up and run for the hills.

"Close. A hell-hound." Percy said with a sly smile. "Mrs. O' Leary!" Percy called cupping his hands over his mouth. The hell-hound turned and barreled toward us. It practically knocked Percy over and immediately began licking him. Percy laughed and tried to get her to stop. "Mrs. O' Leary sit." he commanded. The hell-hound obeyed wagging it's large tail. Then it turned to look at me it's big nose still sniffing something in the air. She padded toward me and i tried to stay as still as possible. She sniffed once, twice. Walking around me. "I think she likes you." Percy said trying to hold back his laughter.

"You have a hell-hound for a pet?" i asked amazed as i pet Mr. O'Leary's large head. The hell-hound seemed to simile at me.

"Yeah. Got her from an old friend. Sweetest hell-hound you'll ever meet." Percy said coming over and scratching behind the hell-hounds ears. I smiled as i watched him. A tall guy in raggedy clothing jobbed over. A small harpy flew close behind him.

"Percy!" the guy shouted grabbing him up and pulling him into a big hug.

"Hey Tyson!" Percy said hugging him back.

"Violet this is well, i guess my brother. Tyson." Percy said gesturing up to him.

"I thought you said you didn't have siblings?" i said glancing u pat Tyson. then it hit me. "Oh." i exclaimed slightly embarrassed.

"Percy's my brother." Tyson exclaimed proudly. I smiled back. The harpy perched on the ground next to Tyson's feet. She looked at me skeptically before hissing and flying away.

"Weird. Ella doesn't usually do that." Percy said walking around to look up at Ella who had dropped herself on the top of the stands. I grew uneasy at that but Percy just shrugged. "Come on. I'll show you the cabins." Percy said coming up to me. I nodded and followed him back out of the Amphitheatre. We walked toward the climbing wall and Percy pointed out to me all the places that were had traps or trick wires. "Lava even runs down one side of it." Percy said with a small laugh.

"Sounds like fun." I said touching my hair.

"I know. I've gotten my hair singed before up there before." Percy said touching it gingerly.

"What! But your hair isn't anywhere near as long as mine." I said ruffling his hair. Percy laughed and messed up my hair back. "Hey!" I said trying to fix it as best as I could.

"You started it." Percy countered.

"Yeah and I'm going to end it." I said pushing him away from me slightly. By now we were passing the creek on our way to the cabins. Percy flicked his wrist and water splashed into my face. "Hey! Now that is not fair!" I said in surprise a huge smile on my face. Percy grinned and did it again. This time I was successful in blocking it but it hit my clothes instead. "Alright you're on Fish Face." I said shoving him into the creek and splashing him with water. Unfortunately he doesn't get wet which is something I learned after the fact. "Percy!" I shouted as he made a small wave knock me off my feet and into the water. "No using your powers!" I shouted standing up walking toward him angrily and poking him in the chest. Percy just laughed. "And how come you're not wet." I said gesturing to his clothes.

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