Running from Harpies

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The rest of the day goes smoothly. I find out that i'm not too bad at archery. Frank is there easily firing arrows into every target. He even shows me a few tricks. I'm still sort of scared by his big muscles but he is a real sweetheart. Canoeing is pretty easy too once you get the hang of it. I even realized i don't need oars why not let the water push me around. Percy rolled his eyes and called that cheating, said it wasn't as fun as using the oars. I told him that both were pretty cool. The climbing wall is a different story. I would've burned alive if Percy hadn't snatched me away from the lava. "Hey be more careful!" he said worriedly checking for burns and cuts. It was pretty embarrassing actually seeing as all his friends were up at the same time as us. Percy and Jason were the first to reach the top with Annabeth close behind. Piper and Leo were struggling but they too had the hang of it. Frank, Hazel, and I were dead last in that order. Frank might've been up there with the other boys if he didn't keep stopping to check if Hazel was ok. I thought it was sweet. When i reached the top all of his friends cheered but i made a face at them and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it." Percy said with a shrug.

"Used to it? Please i don't think i'll ever get used to that!" i said pointing down at the lava, monster infested wall.

"Are we going to have to climb down now?" i asked slightly scared. Going up piece of cake. Going down is always a little bit harder.

"No. Watch." Jason said pointing toward a hole in the floor i hadn't noticed. Suddenly an elevator type thing eases it's way up and stops with a ding to let us all on. Magically we fit but i think that's only because they weren't afraid to touch each other and they were in some sort of relationship except Leo and I.

"Hey don't worry babe! I can hold you." Leo said opening his arms.

"I'll pass." Leo and the group laughed to my amazement and we headed on down to the ground. Around dinner time we all headed toward Camp Jupiter to join in with them and were welcomed with open arms which is still a complete surprise to me. It was that night that had me worried. Percy and i were sitting on our beds after he had come back from his shower. His hair was dripping wet which he only shook out instead off pulling the water free like i had seen him do.

"So what was the dream about? You never told me." Percy says. I shrugged.

"You never asked." and in fact i couldn't remember. Had my dream really been last night? It seemed so far away.

"So do you remember it." i thought long and hard tapping my chin. I ddin't really want to remember which was my problem.

"I don't.. I don't really know. I remember black.. It was dark and there was this deep voice." Percy listens intently a weird look flashing across his face before returning to a neutral expression. "I don't.. I don't know.. I just remember being really, really, terrified." i said finally turning toward him. It was like he was looking at me but not looking at me. He seemed to be thinking about something and not what i had just told him.

"Well. I'm sure it's nothing." Percy said shrugging it off though i knew there was more to it. Something he wasn't telling me. I decided not to pry. He called lights out just a few minutes after eleven. While Tyson and him drifted off to sleep i stayed wide awake listening to Percy's gentle snores and Tyson's loud monster truck ones. Finally feeling jittery and restless i threw my covers off and silently slipped on my shoes. Tying my hair off in ponytail i padded toward the door silently. It creaked as i opened it. Glancing at Percy i saw him turn over but not get up. I sighed and slipped noiselessly out the door.

I ended up wandering around. I walked the ring of the cabins admiring their craftsmanship, then i drifted away taking the path toward the arena. I didn't know if kids were allowed out at night after lights out. Percy never told me. I didn't see anyone else. Maybe they were hiding. I just didn't want to go to bed. I had nothing to hide. As i entered the low archway of the arena i heard some grunts and the swish of a sword as it connected to something over and over again. I emerged onto the field to find Nico slashing apart moving targets left and right. His sword was blacker than night and seemed to gleam in the darkness and not the moonlight.

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