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"You ok?" Percy asks as I clutch my chest breathing heavily. I glance around the room gasping for air and pushing back my hair stuck to my forehead with sweat.

"Oh my god." i murmur dropping back down on my backpack. The room was spinning.

"Hey what happened?" Percy asks shaking my arm a little to get me to look at him. I clear my throat and sit up again pulling my hair out of its pony tail and shaking it out. My overgrown bangs hang limply down in front of my face over my shoulders. I run my fingers through my hair and blow air out of my mouth.

"What did you dream about?" Hazel asks. I shrug.

"It was.. Weird. I mean the first part was exactly how it always is, but the second part was just... It didn't make sense." Jason arches an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"Well it was dark, everywhere and there was this big booming voice. Rally scary and ominous but.." Nico stops me there.

"What did the voice say? Did you know where you were?" I shake my head.

"I don't know where I was. It was dark I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face and I don't remember what it said. I never remember what it says." I shrug again and feel chills running up and down my spine despite the heat. Something tells me that deep mysterious voice scares my subconscious more then I want to let on, or more than I remember.

"Dark voices in dreams are never a good sign. Especially if you can't remember them." Thalia grumbles. I squirm uncomfortably on the ground. Of course they are.

"So the other dream. You remember it?" Percy says capturing my attention. I nod slowly.

"Yeah. It was strange." Percy rolls his eyes.

"Yeah strange is normal for us. What was it about?" I tap my chin trying to recall as many details as I can.

"There was a man and a women walking down by the ocean while a storm was going on. Thunder and lighting everywhere and the sea kept crashing against the shoreline, but they didn't seem.. Worried. They were happy." I remember their smiling faces and how in love they seemed. That's it, they were in love.

"What did they look like?" Percy asks moving closer.

"Umm he was dressed like a fisherman. Dark hair, dark beard. Stupid hat on his head." Percy starts laughing and Nico and Thalia join in.

"That was our dad."Percy explains. I blush red.

"Oh. Oops." I reply staring at the ground. Percy chuckles and tells me to keep going. "Well she had blonde hair blue eyes and she was wearing this really pretty white dress." Nobody said anything. "If the man was our dad then was the women my mom?" I question out loud. Percy shrugs.

"Might have been. Sounds like it. You do have blue eyes." I flick my eyes up at him and he smiles softly.

"Anyways. They were walking along and the storm got more aggressive and then they looked a little frightened. Then a giant hand reached down from the heavens and pulled her up into the sky. Our father looked really upset." I finished glancing around the room before settling my eyes on Percy.

"So she died?" Hazel said a bit unhappily.

"I don't know. Wouldn't a hand have reached up through the ground if she did?" I counter arching an eyebrow.

"Good point." She says with a sheepish smile.

"Sounds like our dad." Jason says, but that doesn't make sense.

"Why would he take my mom? If she was my mom.." I ask. Jason shrugs.

"Maybe he didn't want them together." Percy sighs.

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