Well That Explains A Lot

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"So explain." I said pulling on both straps of my backpack. We walked out my bedroom door and toward the stairs. I passed a mirror on my way out and glanced at it. I almost didn't stop. Gasping I covered my hands over my mouth and rushed back toward the hall mirror. "Oh no," I moaned looking at my reflection. My hair was sticking to my head and in clumps because of the golden blood. The feathers were all gone probably from our trip on Blackjack but I still looked awful. A bit crazed even. My black eyeliner was all over the place. "Why didn't you tell me I looked horrible!" I said turning to Percy and punching his arm. Percy rubbed the spot where I had hit him.

"You look fine." He grumbled before smiling at me. I made a face and shook my head. I went into the bathroom and threw some of the stuff I needed into the small pocket of my backpack. I grabbed my hairbrush and yanked it through my hair before bending down over the sink and washing the golden blood out of my hair. I threw my head back making my hair fly and shook it out before running the brush through it again. Then I took out my makeup remover and rubbed away all my black eye liner. In my opinion I looked weird without it but I didn't have time to do it again. Percy was waiting. I turned off the bathroom light and walked out putting my backpack back on my shoulder.

"Ok explain." I said again as e started down the stairs.

"Well ADHD isn't necessarily a bad thing for us. Keeps you jumpy and light on your feet so you don't you know. Die in a fight." Percy explained with a series of hand motions.

"As for the dyslexia your brain is hard wired to read Greek or Roman... I forget what language they spoke." Percy said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Latin." He snapped his fingers.

"Bingo." He said as he held open the door for me.

"You said us? What do you mean by that?" I asked turning around so I can lock the door.

"Us. You and I and everyone else we're all demigods." I made a face as I hid the key again.

"Demigods. Like in Greek mythology. That can't be right." I said slowly. Percy shrugged.

"It's the truth. I didn't believe it at first either." He told me. I bit my lip thoughtfully.

"Does that mean it's all real?" I asked. Percy nodded.

"The monsters, the gods.." I asked again. Percy nodded enthusiastically. "So Zeus, Cerberus, the Hydra, Aphrodite, Ares.." I said listing a bunch of well known monsters and gods. A clap of thunder overhead made me jump and Percy clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Names have power. I'd be careful. You don't just want to throw those names around." Percy said nervously.

"Oh right. Yeah." I said as if I understood. We headed toward Blackjack. "So why are we going to New York?" I questioned.

"It's where my camp is. Camp Half-Blood Hill. But if you're Roman we'll walk you to the other camp." Percy said looking back at me with a reassuring smile. He extended his hand and I climbed back onto Blackjack. I think he whined in protest but I wasn't sure. I might be to heavy with a full backpack now.

"Where's the other camp?" I asked gingerly wrapping my arms around his waist.

"California but don't worry. You'll know what I mean by walking you over there when you see it." Percy said smiling back at me. I smiled back.

"So whose you're godly parent?" I asked as we began to ascend into the clouds.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." He replied. That makes sense. His eyes are the color of the sea. "What about you? Who do you think yours is?" Percy asked. Blackjack didn't fly as high has he had before. Maybe it was so Percy and I could talk. I shrugged.

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