The Shrine of Hermes

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After what seemed like an hour the dogs began to slow down. "What's happening?" I asked Percy glancing back at him. He furrowed hair eyebrows and shrugged. A giant building loomed ahead of us. I cocked my head and the hellhounds began to whimper and whine as we drew closer. They came to a full halt about twenty feet from it. "Hey what's wrong Nightwing?" I asked rubbing his head and scratching his ears.

"It's the Hermes Shrine." Percy said sliding off of the hellhound and settling on the ground. "We're getting off guys." Percy said motioning for them to come down.

"That's the Shrine of Hermes?" I question slowly swinging my leg over onto the same side as my left and dropped down to the ground while Nightwing whimpered and paced back and forth. "Why is A Shrine for Hermes down here?" Hazel asks glancing at her brother then at Percy.

"Bob told Annabeth and I that it fell down from somewhere. Either from Olympus or the mortal world but it doesn't really matter. It's fell. It's here." Now I'm really confused.

"Bob?" Jason echoes my thoughts. Percy chuckles and smiles widely.

"Bob the Titan." I stare at him.

"Ok, again, my mythology might be a little rusty but I'm pretty sure there is no Titan with the name Bob." Nico grinned and Percy rolled his eyes.

"There isn't. I just called him Bob after I wiped his memory." Now there was something you didn't hear everyday.

"And how did you do that?" I ask arching an eyebrow.

"The River Lethe. Your brother pulled him into it with him." I stared at Percy who just grinned.

"Are you some badass hero do I have to start like worshiping the ground you walk on?" I demanded. The others just laughed. "What else have you done? God. Everything else anyone has ever done at that camp, at both of those camps probably pales in comparison to the adventures you guys have." Percy shrugs.

"Perks of being the child of the Big Three." Jason said with a shrug.

"Doesn't sound like a perk to me. Monsters always on your tail and the gods are really rude. Although I've only met Hades and Dionysus so.." I shrug and Percy sighs.

"Unfortunately most of them are like Hades." He says as he looks up towards Hermes Shrine.

"Wait seriously?" He nods.

"I've met all of them." I huffed and rolled my eyes. Nightwing whimpered next to me and kept eyeing the temple wearily. It was then I noticed that the other two hellhounds had already run off.

"Oh hey Nightwing. You can go if you like." I say pointing off in the opposite direction. He whimpers looking at me but doesn't go.

"I think he likes you." Nico says. I grin.

"Cool." I say rubbing the hellhounds neck. Jason snickers and Percy rolls his eyes.

"Would he be ok out here? He doesn't seem to like the temple much." I ask the group glancing up from Nightwing. Percy shrugs.

"He should be ok, but we might want to get inside in case their are other monsters on our tail." I nod slowly continuing to scratch Nightwings head as my friends make their way up towards the shrine.

"Hey bud we're going to go inside now." I say softly bending down next to him. The hellhound makes a face it looks a little disgusted that I might want to go in there. "You can stay out here if you like or you can go Nightwing. You don't have to stay here." Nightwing glances up at me then over at the shrine again. He walks around in a circle and glances at me.

"He doesn't want to go." I turn around and face Nico. He has his arms crossed and I think he might be staring at me, or he could be staring at the dog.

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