Sealed With A Kiss

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"So how are you liking you day so far?" i asked nervously brushing my hair out of my face. Nico shrugged.

"It's been alright i guess. I shouldn't have left my cabin though." he said.

"Why? regretting getting out of bed already?" i asked. Nico smirked.

"No i just forgot what a pain in the ass you are." i hit his chest.

"I'm not a pain the ass!" i exclaimed.

"Well how can you be so sure?" he countered. I rolled my eyes as he laughed again. "I'm kidding." he said. Our hands brushed and i could've sworn he was trying to reach for it but had second thoughts. I've known Nico two days and we've very nearly kissed every time we're left alone. I still wasn't sure if the first two counted. Maybe together because it would've been longer than a millisecond. Nico took off his sunglasses and hung them onto his shirt. He turned to face me bending down slightly so he could look me in the eyes. He snapped his fingers and pointed at my face like he had just figured something out. "You're not wearing makeup. That's what's different." he said with a slow smile. I shrugged.

"Too lazy this morning. I woke up late." i said with a shrug.

"I wonder why." he said quietly.

"Yeah.." it came out as barely a whisper because he was so close to me right now i didn't even want to exhale because it might sound like i was hyperventilating. "Wonder why." His dark eyes held my gaze for one more second then his lips crashed down upon mine. I inhaled a little like i was trying to breath him in. This time he smelled like syrup and tasted like lime. I could feel his ice cold fingers as he ran his hands down my sides before resting them on my hips. Even cold his hands burned through my shirt. My arms snaked around his neck my hands playing with his long dark hair. I felt like i was on fire. If i was i didn't went to get put out. Two days. need i remind you. Two days and i think I'm already in love with Hades' Son.

Nico let go of me and i was so shocked i did the same a second later. He looked at me confused like i was the one who kissed him and not the other way around. He pulled out his sunglasses again and put them on so i couldn't judge the expression on his face. Self consciously i touched my lips and turned away. Now that was a real kiss.

The elevator ride was silent and awkward. Awkward and silent. Nico didn't look at me. He didn't come near me in fact when the elevators doors opened we were on opposite sides of it both leaning against the cold metal railing. There was a ding as we touched the ground and before the doors could even open Nico pushed himself up off the wall and was through the doors right as they opened breezing right past Percy. Percy watched him go with a confused look then he looked back at me. I shrugged as if i didn't know why he was acting like that and Percy didn't ask. The rest of his friends had disappeared to their activities and Percy and I were left alone again.

The rest of the day just went downhill from there to say the least. I kept getting distracted wondering if Nico hated me now that we had kissed. It had been him in fact who had instigated it. It might have been me the first time but the second and third were all him. I had stayed perfectly still. I nearly caused a canoe pileup but Percy took control of the boat in the knick of time and asked if i was ok. I told him i was still tiered from this morning which was true in a way. We didn't see Nico at lunch or dinner. Nobody commented on the fact. I guess they hadn't really expected much but i did. "Hey we have to gear up soon." Percy said punching my arm as we walked down the hill.

"What why?!" i asked confused by what he meant as "gear". He slapped his forehead.

"Oh right! You're new. It's Friday. Capture the Flag!" he said enthusiastically. "I think you mentioned it once but never explained it." i said uneasily. "Don't be afraid. It's a great game. There's two teams. Red or blue and the Cabins basically go against each other. The Ares cabin won last time and right now they're sided with Apollo, Aphrodite, Demeter, Dionysus and some of the minor gods and goddesses children are fighting with them because we lost last time." he says dejectedly. "They make up the red team. Then there's our team Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon and I'm assuming Zeus because Jason really wants to play and Thalia never misses out on a fight." i smile. Sounds pretty cool.

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