Chapter 34

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I leave the locker room and head back out to the ticket booth about the time the rest of Jessies friends walk in. I say my hellos and let them know that Jessie is changing, and she has the first fight. Then I approach Bennie, Hey Jessie wanted me to warn you about the possibility of the international fighters not knowing the rules. She is worried that someone will get hurt.

He replies, We go over the rules in the locker rooms and also in the middle of the ring before the fight.

Jessie walks up and says, I know you do Bennie but if these fighters are what I think they are then they are not used to rules and only do what their trainers tell them. They are from an entirely different fighting culture, one that doesnt care if they hurt or even kill their opponents.

Jessie what are you talking about? What kind of people do you think they are?

I reply, Look Bennie, what you need to know is that in other countries there are people that are forced into slavery and then taught to fight and kill. If any of these fighters are Malachis, then you can bet that they are slaves.

Bennie said, Ok, I will make sure that all the refs know to emphasize the rules both in the locker room and before the fight. I will also tell them that anyone who is going to be in the corner also must hear and understand the rules of the fights. Thanks for warning me about this.

Jessie and I turn and walk away to go find the rest of the group. As we turn to leave the booth, Jessie received a text from Malachi telling us to meet him in the training room in five minutes. We find the gang over by the ring, Jay tells us that Dean has gone to change and doesnt fight till much later since he is the reigning champ. I look at everyone and say, Its game time! Everyone be alert and always stay with your partner. Jessie and I are going to the meet. Keep your eyes open and watch each others backs.

I grab Jessies hand and squeeze it. I can tell she is about to freak out. I pull her to the side and say, Jessie, I need you to take a few deep breaths and stay with me, ok? Dont let him get in your head that is exactly what he wants. He wants you scared so that he is able to get what he wants.

Ok, doc, dont worry as long as you are here, I got this!


I stand with my hand on the door knob to the training room, I glance at Alex and take a deep breath before turning the knob and opening the door. When the door opens, I see Malachi with Izzy standing next to him. All I want to do is run to her, but I know that would be a mistake, so instead I look at her and say, Izzy, Im here. Are you ok? Has he hurt you?

She just stares at me before saying, Jessie, Im fine. I knew you would come. Then she starts crying.

I cant help it, I take a step forward. I need to hold her. Before I could take another step, the doc grabs my arm. I try and shake her off, but she says, Jessie, no. The minute you get close to him he will grab you. We have to be smart here.

Fine! Malachi let her go or I dont fight!

He laughs, That wasnt the deal, Jessie. I agreed to let you see her and here she is.

The doc speaks up, Malachi, why dont you let the girls have a few minutes together before the fight starts. Then you can tell us what it will take for us to get Izzy back.

Malachi looked at the doc and said, I dont believe we have officially met, I am Malachi and you are?

I know who you are. My name is Alex Imari and we have met before. What exactly is it that you want from Jessie?

I want her to come back home and fight for me, of course.

Doc says, Yeah, well thats not going to happen!

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