Chapter 31

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When I finish with my shower and packing, I find Alex and Amy on the back porch talking like they are old friends. I decide to go flip through the television stations while I wait for her to get finished talking to Amy. I am emotionally exhausted, and I have no idea what to do now. I dont know when or where to expect Malachi to show up and I cant stop thinking about Izzy. Im just so tired, I must have fallen asleep. When I wake up it is dark outside, and I can barely make out a shape in the chair against next to the couch. The doc sitting there watching me sleep.

Why didnt you wake me when you and Amy finished talking and why are you watching me sleep?

She replies, We just finished about an hour ago and you looked so peaceful I didnt want to wake you.

You do realize thats kind of creepy, right? Do you think we can order a pizza or something? Im starving!

Sure, why dont we order a few pizzas and stop on the way to the house and pick them up. Cass should be there along with Dean and maybe even Jay and they are always hungry.

It isnt long after we get home that they all show up. While we eat we go over once again what happened when we were leaving the fight. All I can think is, I need to get Izzy back! I look at the doc and say, Do we have a plan?

Im working on it. My guys from Africa should be here soon and I promise we will figure it out.

Dean says, What am I supposed to tell my parents? I mean luckily they are out of town but when they call they might want to talk to Izzy, what do I tell them?

Alex replies, I guess if you can just tell them she is out with friends and hopefully they wont get suspicious. Dean just nods his head.


Jessie, Im going to need for you to text or call this Shawn person and set up a meeting so that we can find out what she knows about Malachi and his organization.

Jessie puts the last bite of pizza in her mouth and says, Sure, just let me run up and get my phone and I will send her a text. If she doesnt reply I will try calling.

While she runs to get her phone, I look at Cass, Soeverything ok with us?

She replies, Yeah, why wouldnt it be?

Just making sure after our conversation yesterday.

Jessie walks in and says, Shawn says she can meet us tomorrow night. Where would you like me to tell her to meet us?

Cass says, Have her meet us at Izzys parents restaurant around 7. I will make sure to have us a private room so that we can talk in private.

Jessie sends Shawn the text and everything is set up. I look at Jessie and ask, Do you think it is a good idea to meet at the restaurant? They are out of town. Hopefully we will have her back before they get home.

Oh well, I dont know about the rest of you, but Im tired it has been a long couple of days. We really cant make any plans until we talk with Shawn, so I think Im going back to bed. You three are welcome to stay and hang out or whatever but Im going back to bed. I hear Cass say I guess we can watch some Netflix.

Then Jessie says, Cass, why dont we go to the bank in the morning and get you an account opened, so we can transfer her fight winnings. That way it will be there for you and your mom. Doc, when we get back we expect for you to tell us the story of your past.

Sure, whatever, but Im going with you, remember you dont leave my sight! I say and then I go up to my room and lay down to sleep. I assume the girls get at least some rest because I dont hear anything else until the next morning. I hear the girls get up and immediately hear a knock on the bedroom door. Come in. I say.

Fighting For FreedomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora