Chapter 22

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The following Monday school started its regular schedule. It was very stressful for me having to be in such close contact with so many people I didnt know. It helped having Izzy and Jay around. I didnt really see Dean much at school, but Izzy and Jay always seemed to appear when I needed them most. Luckily, I managed to avoid Ben for the most part only seeing him occasionally in the hallway where he would make sure to have some smart remark for me. After a few days I kind of got in a routine of going to class and trying to avoid people if I could. No one really bothered me, I guess because of the gossip about the fight with Ben. Sometimes I would hear whispers about the fact that I must be gay because I hung out with Izzy so much, but I didnt really care what they were saying about me. I was worried about what they were saying about Izzy though. I may have to say something next time I hear something.

Friday on my way home from school I got a call from the doc. I answered, Hey, doc its been awhile. How are you?

She replies, Im pretty good, Jessie. I just wanted to check in with you and see how school is going.

Its ok, I guess. It isnt really my favorite thing to do but its not too bad. How are things going with your case over there?

The questioning is going slowly but I think I should be home in a couple of weeks if everything goes well.

Thats great. Hey, I was wandering since you dont seem to use your basement would it be ok if I set up a small gym down there. I have been sort of training Izzys brother some and there are more people interested but I really need a better place. The park is ok for a lot of it, but it would be nice to put down some mats to be able to work on some more complex moves and maybe a few punching bags.

What does Dr. Hall think about this?

It hasnt really come up but the visits and the breathing exercises seem to be helping. I havent had any more flashbacks and Ive been helping Dean for a couple of weeks now.

How about when I get back we will talk to Victoria about what she thinks and go from there.

I really dont see what the problem is doc, these people want to learn how to protect themselves and fight. I can help them with that and make some money doing it. I would really like to buy myself a car. I cant expect to drive yours all the time especially when you get back.

Fine, Jessie. Go ahead and do what you want with the basement but promise me if you have any type of flashback or anything remotely related that you will stop and talk to me or Victoria.

Sure thing doc, thanks. I have really enjoyed helping Dean and I have even started to remember some things.

Really? Like what, Jessie?

Mostly just different moves and stuff related to training for fights.

Thats good I guess at least you are starting to remember something. Well I really need to go. I just wanted to check in and see how school was going. Hopefully I will see you in a couple of weeks.

Bye doc and thanks again. With that I hung up.

When I got home Cameron and Amy were in the kitchen talking so I went to say hello. They both wanted to know how school was going and I told them it was fine just a lot to learn. I told them that I wanted to talk to them about getting a job. Cameron said, Jessie, why do you need a job?

I replied, Well for one thing it would give me a little money so that Amy didnt have to pay for all my dates. I said laughing. Another reason is I would like to get a car since the doc will be coming home soon and she will need her car. I also want to buy a bike because I have been learning to mountain bike with Izzy. We went the other weekend and I loved it. I thought it might feed my adrenaline need since everyone keeps telling me that I shouldnt join the wrestling team and fighting has always been my way of getting the rush of adrenaline.

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