Chapter 14

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When I hear Jessie come in from her appointment, I go up to her room and ask her how it went. She really didn't go into any detail other than to tell me Dr. Hall wanted me to call her about some questions she had about our past. Then she said she didn't think she was going to go back and that she needed to talk to Alex.

All I could think was, this isn't good. I called Dr. Hall and when I told her who I was she asked if I could come into the office tomorrow and talk, definitely not good. I thought. I might should call Alex myself and see if she has any idea what is going on and if I should be worried. Maybe I should just text her in case she is busy, that way she can call me when she has time. I go with that idea.

I text, "Hey can you give me a call when you have time. I need to talk to you about Jessie and this Dr. Hall. No rush. Thanks."

Her reply came immediately, "Sure, just got off the phone with Jessie. Will call you around eleven pm your time."

I reply, "Great, thanks."

I'm not really sure what to expect but I need to find out what is going on. After all, it is my job to keep my little sister out of trouble. I know I won't get a straight answer out of Jessie. At eleven pm on the dot my phone rang.

"Hey Alex, how are things going over there?"

"It is going slow, a lot slower than I was hoping when I left. What is it you need to talk to me about?"

"Well when Jessie came in earlier from her appointment with Dr. Hall, she wasn't very happy and then even less happy when she got off the phone with you. Do you know what is going on? She also said that the Dr. wanted me to call her because she had some questions about her past but when I called she asked me to come in and talk with her tomorrow. Should I be worried about that?"

"I don't really know what to tell you Cameron, when she called me she was really upset about some of what Victoria made her realize. I don't think you should be too worried about meeting with Victoria she is just trying to put everything into perspective so that she can better help Jessie."

"What do you mean she was upset? What was she upset about?"

"Cameron, I am not going to tell you everything that Jessie and I talk about. If she wants to tell you she will. What I will tell you is that she is really unhappy with me and the fact that I told her that she needs to date people her age and not hold out on having a relationship with me."

"Oh, now it makes since why she said she was going for a jog and to play basketball. That would also explain why she said she would be home very late if at all. I'm just worried about her Alex. What is there that I can do to help?"

"I'm kind of at a loss of what to do as well. I really hate having to push her away when all I want to do is be with her but we both know that I will be around for a long time and that is why she should live for herself and try and figure some things out on her own. I think the best thing we can do is to get her to continue her visits with Victoria."

"Ok, well at least we agree on that. You keep referring to Dr. Hall as Victoria, does this mean that she is someone you have had or are in a relationship with?"

"Why is everyone so interested in my personal life?"

"Sorry, but that would help explain Jessie's mood even more. How could you send her to someone you are dating knowing her feelings for you?"

"Because Victoria is the best and I want Jessie to get the help she needs. Maybe if she sees that I am not an option for her she will look elsewhere. I don't know. All I know is that I trust Victoria and she can help Jessie if Jessie will let her. The only fear I have is that Jessie loses it on Victoria in one of her fits of anger."

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