Chapter 26

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After Cameron left the next day, the weeks went by somewhat normally. Things with Izzy and me were good. Lexie, Izzy and I tried out for the school basketball team and made it. Cassidy opted for the wrestling team even though there wasnt a girls team. Alex for some reason, didnt mind her joining the wrestling team it was just me that she had a problem with but whatever.

During the week after practice, I fill my time training Dean and some others. Cass often came by after her wrestling practices to train as well. Dean had a big fight coming up, so all of his spare time was spent training. He was coming along well. He has learned a few take down moves and submission holds.

Unfortunately, I didnt really have a lot of time to spend with Izzy other than school and basketball practice. Dr. Hall even cancelled our next visit saying that she would put me in contact with another therapist. It is funny, I dont even care that she cancelled. I mean I understand after all she is dating the doc but Im not sure that Im going to see the other doctor. I think that the talk with Izzy about everything helped me more than anything and now that I know I can tell her anything, I think that I will just talk to her when I need to talk. I guess if I have any more anger issues I will consider seeing another doctor, but I dont know.

Cassidy seems to be getting back in the swing of life in Blue Springs. She and Lexie seem to be getting along well and spending a lot of time together. Deans big tournament is this weekend and it is a big money payout. Bennie says that there will be scouts at this tournament that could lead to bigger fights and maybe even a chance at the UFC, so Dean is training extra hard. I have him working with Cass the better part of this week because other than me she has the most fight experience. As we finish up practice on Friday, Cass overhears us talking about going to Vegas tomorrow and asks if she and Lexie can tag along. Im not sure what to tell her because I dont want the doc knowing what we are doing. I look at Dean and he just shrugs and says, It doesnt matter to me.

Cass says, Great! I havent been to Vegas since I was a kid and maybe Lexie can show me around besides it will be the first time I have left town since coming back. Will Izzy be coming also?

Dean and I exchange looks and I say, Probably but just know that Izzy is a completely different person when we are in Vegas because she doesnt have to worry about her parents, but I dont know how she will act with Lexie around. Cass there is one other thing you should know, and it has to stay between us, ok?

She just looks at me, What is it Jessie, is it Lexie? Does she not like me or something?

I reply, WhatnoI dont know what you are talking about. What I meant was, that there are fights held in the underground tunnel in Vegas. The fighters that I have been training all fight there. They are nothing like the fights we used to be forced to participate in, there arent any slaves. Everyone who fights there does so because they want too. Dean has been training for a big tournament that will take place tomorrow night and that is why we are going to Vegas. You are welcome to tag along but you CAN NOT tell Alex about the fights. She would kill me!

She gives me a look and says, Are you crazy! Why would you get involved in something like that?

Look, Cass, it is totally different than what you are used to. They pay the fighters well and there are actual rules and doctors on hand. My brother, Cameron, even went with us one weekend to check them out before he would let me train anyone. He said that as long as I didnt fight or go alone that it was ok but Im not so sure the doc would see it that way.

She replies, Ok, Jessie, I wont say anything to Alex as long as you dont fight at least not until I see what they are. So how do the fights work?

Dean and I explain the fight system to Cassidy and she agrees not to tell anyone what is going on. We make plans to meet up tomorrow morning to get breakfast and then head into Vegas. All that is left is for me to ask the doc if I can borrow her car.

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