Chapter 5 Part IV

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I stayed behind because I knew from the look that Alex gave me, that she had something to say. Ok, go ahead and get whatever it is off your chest, so I can go deal with the mess Jessie is in.

What the hell are you thinking, joining the Army? Haven't you had enough fighting to last you a couple of lifetimes?

You sound just like Amy and Jessie! Have any of you ever stopped to think that fighting is all I know?!

Im sorry Cameron, I guess I didnt think about that, but Im sure you can find another option.

Look its a done deal. I want to do this. I want to eventually create a task force like the one you ran in Africa, except with Army Rangers. I dont want any more kids to have to grow up the way Jessie and I did.

Ok, I understand, but Im still not happy about it. What am I supposed to tell Jessie? I cant keep lying to her and with you leaving, she is going to need me more than ever. I dont know if I can keep ignoring the feelings, I have for her even though the timing isnt right. I cant help the way I feel around her. I know we agreed not to tell her everything until she was finished with college, but I dont know now if that is the right thing to do or not.

Alex you promised me we would keep everything between us until I decided it was time to tell her. It still creeps me out to know, you are a vampire and that you have romantic feelings about my seventeen-year-old sister.

Cameron, I told you before I cant control my feelings. I have known since Jessie was born, she was special, and we had a connection. I promised you I would not act on my feelings until she was old enough and I wont, but I dont know how much longer I can continue to lie to her about everything else. If she starts remembering and asking questions, we need to help her fill in the blanks or it could lead to more outbreaks like we saw today, and that could be very bad for her.

Okay Alex, I will agree to us filling in some of the blanks, but only if she starts asking questions. But you must promise no vampire talk and no crazy talk about being meant to be together. Deal?

Sure, whatever you say Cameron.

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